Part 3 - Kidding me

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Win Pov

Are they kidding me, i need new series with bright. What wrong with this people. I already find producer to produce our new series and once again it got cancelled. When i contact the producer they say they need to survive in this industry. Do i need to use outside power just to have series with love of my life. This is totally bullshit. we are the most popular couple in the building and bring the most profit to the company, but they try hard to avoid our new series. They even pay top lister artist to become our co-star. I really can't get it. What wrong with this top management people. Its so hard to have couple event with bright now days. I am so angry , then i see bright with his manager. I really miss going to event with him. Baiiii, i called him quickly. He saw me and walk happily to my direction. His sweet smile, that bambi eyes, i wish all of this only for me. Hi win, what are you doing here. Have you eat, i'm hungry and sleepy. Can you eat with me he whine like always. Only eat not sleep with you right, i ask teasing him. His bambi eyes become wider. Win stop kidding, lets go, I'm hungry, he said and drag me to company cafe. He is really spoiled kid and everybody just love to spoiled him included me. He really focus on his food, he must be starving for a day. I wait for him to finish and when i see he start to slow down i finally ask, Bai why we dont have new series. He look at me and reply, I dont know, may be they try to give chance to other couple. We got so many brand and chance compare to others he said again. Maybe boss try to be fair , he add. Really, I ask back. I dont know, if not why they dont give us new series, he innocently ask me. He is a boy who have a pure heart. He never thought ill of anyone and always look everything from positive side. That why i need to protect this beautiful heart star. I'm glad he glow the best when he is with me. I really dont know how will he survived in this cruel industry without me. He have been here longer than me, but his visual really bloom during our series. He somehow like ugly duckling turn to beautiful swan. I only can smile and have no answer for him.

Mile pov

Boss he having his first meal for today My man reported. what, its too late for lunch i said in my mind. And.... suddenly a slow and come out from my man mouth. And, I ask firmly. He is with Mr Metawin my man reply. Banngg all item on my table stranded on the floor. I already arrange that they dont have schedule together till next tuesday, whats going on, did the company disobey my instruction. I need to make a call. They accidently meet at company lobby boss, my man hurriedly inform. I try to control my anger and sit back on my chair. This metawin is geting bolder. I close my eyes and start imagine how metawin will put his hand on my love shoulder. I need back up plan. My brain work really hard and i smile when i found a solution. My baby really love singing. I will divert his career to singing. I will support him to become singer he want. A few moment later, i received his picture. This is my daily routine for three years. I make sure i know everything about his formal and informal schedule, today he gonna bring ame his cat to spa after the event but eating out with metawin is not in his schedule. I already be friend with his mother without his knowledge. She is very beautiful and soft lady but i can felt her strictness. Now, as her spa friend. we match our appoinment date to bring our cat to spa and spend time together. I secretly ask her to not inform anyone so there will be no issue with the media. He was supprise seing me at first but now he treat me like her son. Due to her loving nature she completely trust me.
I keep thinking about my love and my eyes nearly fell out of their socket when i see the news.

"Mile popular bl actor enjoy bright concert!!! "

"Mile and bright share same spa!!!! "

"Mile having lunch at bright favorite shushi place..!! "

What going on, i immediately called my so good friend. I take a deep breath close my eyes and slowly ask. What happen?
Nothing happen, he reply leasurely. Explain, i instruct with my deep voice showing that i m supressing my anger right now. Hey, relax i'm creating mile bright moment. Chill and enjoy the ride,he said. Let him know your existance. How long will you play a zorro and hide behind the mask, he said again without any guilty. Clear the mass, i instruct him. I wont , he stubornly reply. Apo!! I shout. Yes mr kinn , he answer playfully. My stupid on screen partner, he is the only one who know my story inside out. He also the only one know i am using double body for matured scene in KP. I can never kiss my best friend aka my best bodyguard.
Please, i slowly plead. I know i cant win my best friend. No, lets come out already boss. This is too long, its been 3 years since you see him at phuket, said apo.

Yes, i fall in love when he is having a holiday with his beautiful girlfriend. But i really cannot stop my heart. I really thankful for china issue with his girlfriend, trust me its not my wrong doing. I never do anything to hurt him, i just being ignorance and dont do anything to protect him during that time. Its killing me seing him sad and stress. Ok, i admit, maybe i retweet a few time using my fake account. Sorry but not sorry. I just love him and luck are on my side. I guest my charity merit really help me when they finally break up. The girl cannot accept the stress for sudden popularity he received. Then come another character i really hate. Metawin, i nearly crush his family business cause he bring my love home to help him escape from his issue with china fans. My baby is animal lover. All people who know him will know this. That bastard metawin, using his dogs as a bite and my innocent lover unconciously stay at his home till late night. He play with the dogs to release his tension and he know he can be himself at metawin house. I crack my brain and make it work very hard to make sure my lover out of metawin house. That why ame being missing for 8 hour. I smirk and just smile looking at his interview telling how worried they are when ame was missing. Sorry baby, there is nothing i can do during that time. I really need you out of the metawin house. After that i make sure metawin dont have a chance to comfort him during his weakest moment, i make metawin work double and it look like he is leaving my love alone during his crisis moment. Thanks to his toxic fans, metawin called ungrateful friend but i know he call my love everyday to ensure he is fine and giving him moral support. I felt really bad but i cant take a chance, i need to protect what belong to me..

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