Part 46 - Pack my luggage

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Bright pov

I cant wait to pack my lugage. All has been set. We will fly back tomorrow morning. I dont even felt like having dinner. I'm really full. Then p mile come bring me the oats and milk. Drink this, you are not having your dinner, he said. Thank you p i said . So have you finish packing your bag he ask.  yup i said. I hope no fans at airport i said. P mile just nodd and smile.
Thanks for helping me here p. I cant believe my company just leave me here to handle new brand i said, i will complaint i said again. He just smile and touch his nose.

I am glad we manage to get into vip area without found by our fans. I really want this trip to be a secret. Imagine what will happen when fan see me with all the kp team. When we touch down i quickly call my driver. P you can go first i said in the vip area. P mile look at me with question look, i dont want to be seen with you, i finally said. And why , he ask me sternly. I dont know, can you please help me i beg him. P mile sigh and finally said you go first he said. Its a bit tricky but at least i try to respect our both fans. Its been 3 years for me to walk alone. I always with my bodyguard,  staff or win. I kiss p mile lips before walk out the vip room. I wear my mask ,shade and cap. My driver should be waiting so i need to move as soon as posible. I pray no one notice me and just look down. My driver already notify me that he already here. A little bit more bright, i talk to myself. i felt like crying when i see a lots of fans at the gate. I hope they are not my fans and waiting for someone else. Then i heard fans start calling my name. I just wai and keep moving. fans are so close to me and i cant even move. A few of airport guard come and help me. They ask so many question, i just smile and focus on looking for my car. I keep walking and when i reach my car i heard some one call me baby. I keep walking and try to ignore the voice, he must be shy he said again. Now i turn around and see how mile and fans look at me, then i saw a giant poster.  " we love you no matter what"  i so shock but i manage to smile and wai. Then turn to leave all of them but p mile have other plan, he come to me and give  my headset. You forgot this he said. I try to act normal, thank you p i said and beg him with my eyes. It ok, good bye he said and hug me. I know he kiss my ears. I felt like crying, i turn to fans again and said my good bye. After i close the door i start crying, how could he do this to me. Now its gonna be an issue again. I really hate you i said. When i reach home i open my tweeter account. All i can say is i am doomed, nothing can save me anymore. Latest video p mile kiss my ears now trending. What should i do. I dont have tears to cry anymore. I need to face this, now i am at my apartment. I cant face my mom now. I just mesagge her that i am ok and i am working on my scandle. I start serching for my news. using my # all picture and video since last week appear. My picture on p mile shoulder, me hugging p mile, our dinner , even our korea trip. There is nothing i can do to deny all of this. I just sit on my floor helplessly. But something weird, most of my fans using pink color as their profile. What is happening. Then i went to p mile account.. "change your profile to pink if all of you love me and bright together.. " its been pinned since a week ago.
"Come to airport to support us"
"Do you think he love me?"
"Still courting..wish me luck"
"First cp project.. wish for more.. "
I can see Apo and win and othe artist reply happily..
"Too much"
"Show off"
"Tone it down"
"He will run"
"Congrats mile"
"Good luck mile"
"Wow you got the best"
"He still my on screen partner.. hehe"
"Dont hurt him"
"Milebright gonna be a history"
All the artist show their support including senior artist.
"Will you accept my confession" Mile latest tweet.. now all tweet mention my name. Fans start going crazy, this is not what i plan to do.
"@bbrightvc please reply to p mile"
"@bbrightvc so jelous of you"
"My ship is sailing"
"My sink ship"
"What about win"
"Win i love you"
"Apo just go to win"
"Reply to him dammit.. who are you to make him wait"
"Milebright for sure"
"I know it since mv i can see mile love"
"That the reason bw have no skinship"
"Both of them bottom? hehehe"
Then i scroll down and see my official fc still not change to pink.. but their tweet full of pink color and heart. They just wait for my response. Their profile also said support
"Who ever you are with,we always with you"
now i cry a river, i cant believe i still have a tears.Then i heard a knock at my door. I wipe my tears before i open the door.The reason of my tears. The man i dont want  to see the most right now at my door. I try to close my door but he is faster and allow himself in. I walk to my room and lock the door.
"Pray for me, he is not talking to me now" P mile keep tweeting
"Its gonna be a long day tweet bible"
"Serve you right win comment"
"He love shushi"
"There will be no milebright"
"Wish you luck p"  his fans start tweeting.

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