Part 51- Crush by a bus

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Bight POV

It already 11 in the morning, i felt hungry. When i open my eyes i felt like been crush by a bus. I cant felt my legs..  i felt hurt on my bottom. I start crying,
i can felt someone come rushing to me. baby he call me, i cry louder he just smile and kiss my teary eyes. He have no simphaty. How can i fell into someone this heartless. He pull me up to make me lean on the bed head. Then he come with a breakfirst and pain killer. He kiss me anytime he want between feeding me and comfort me. Then he bring me to the bathroom to help me shower. Again he make me soak with herb in bath tub. He patiently coaxing me and pat my head when i cry. I dont care what he think. But i am in pain, more than at korea.  i think i fainted. After that he lift and check on me. I felt shy but there is nothing i can do now. he slowly put a cream for my swollen  and give anti inflamation and pain killer. He hug me and comfort me all day long. I wont do it again i said with a tears, he did not answer but keep kissing my head. It hurt p i said again. I am sorry baby he said and kiss me again and again. I cant walk i said and sobbing at the same time. It ok baby, i will help you he said with a smile. I hate you i said and cry again. shhhh i know he said and patting my back till i sleep again. I must be exhausted, i sleep untill he wake me for dinner. Baby u need to eat he told me. I try not to cry but i felt so hurt when i move. He smile and lift me up and start feeding me. I dont want to do it again i said to him again. Ooh baby i wish i can but i cant he said casually and i start crying again. He just laugh and just kiss my lips. You ps are downstairs. Do you want to see them. He try to change the subject. No i said. They will laugh at me i said. He just laugh again. No baby they are worried.. i have been scold by them he said. No i cant walk i said again. Baby i always lift you event we are not doing it he said teasing me. No i wont i firmly said. Ok just rest here, p have urgent meeting. i nodd and start wacthing neflix. After some time i felt better and want to feel fresh air. I slowly try to get down from the bed. When i try to stand up i fell like a baby on the floor. Then i heard a run from outside door. Baby p mile call me and lift me up. Are you ok bright p pete ask me. I never felt so much shame before. I just burried my face on p mile chest. He is still a baby dont do him hard p jeff hit p mile head. I slowly peeking at him and smile, then all of them laughing. Where are you going baby p mile ask me. I need fresh air i said and all of us walk to balcony outside our bedroom... i sit on his lap weakly. He just talking to his friend and i only reply when they ask me.

Its already another day.. i felt a lot better i can walk now..  i felt bored when p mile start his work out.. i went to our pool and change to my swiming trunk.. i dont think i can swim yet but i wish to play with water.. i just put my leg in the water and play with my phone listen to my favorite song.. i was in my world when i heard a splash.. i see p mile swiming toward me.. i smile at him when he reach me. I peck on his lips but he have other plan, he kiss me hardly.. i look at him with wide eyes. P i call him start feeling scare.. yes baby he reply and lift me into the water. I think i  see a star and moon. He do me  good again.. next thing i know i was in our bed.
Now i wake and look at his guilty face. I am sorry i cant control myself he soon as i wakeup. I know that face is not only guilty but also proud. How  will i live with this pervert lover..  i cant even said one word, i am speachless but i felt okay since its not as bad as before. I felt hurt but still bareable. I try to stand up and he quickly give me help, he kiss my face, bathroom He ask me.. i just nodd and let him lift me. I never thought i fainted again. He is crazy pervert lover.
I plan to ask him for date but all i i can do is recovering and being pampered all day. He was so patient with my whining and crying. Now i'm sulky again when all of our team will leave for car racing but i cant go because of stupid p mile. I was so excited for this. He getting scold again from all my ps. They just look at me pitifully. Its ok bright we can go together next time, they try to comfort me. Now i sitting on sofa on my own. When all of them went to the race, he kneeling infront of me with sad face.. what else i can do beside crying and hug him. He promise to bring me to world grand prix. I just nodd and sobs in her embrace. 

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