Part 47 - Good actor

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Bright Pov

Good job bright, you are good actor i talk to myself and crying. P toey just look at me with sad eyes. She just caress my shoulder and also crying. P is sorry, p have no power.
I finaly brave enough to face and talk about my scandle. Now i will leave it to destiny. I might be crying missing him every day. I love him but i dont want to lost myself. I have so many things i need to do. I am spoiled brat but i am not someone who forget their responsibility. All my friend spoil me because they know how i am.

Its been 2 week,  i can do this., i just find without them before. So i will be alright  now too. You need to eat bright, you are loosing weight. I just smile and said. I am on diet p, some of my fans said i am like a baby. She just smile and hand over a sandwich. I know but you must eat for energy she said. For p please eat bright,  if not p felt really useless she said with tears. No p its not your fault i said and take the sandwich. Lets stop crying, i will eat i said. I try to eat to make p toey a bit relieve but my body really reject any food. After a few bite i run to bathroom and start vomit. P toey run to me and caress my back. When i get out of the toilet i find win at the door. What happen he ask with worried face. I just look and walk away from him. Bright he hold my hand, i am sorry he said again. Please forgive me he said.  I slowly pull my hand and walk out the door. Win look at p toey. He did not eat anything, when he eat he will vomit she said and leave win alone.
I dont care anymore, i just want go to my next schedule. P toey give me energy drink,  the only thing i have this few days.
I just sleep on my way try to forget my sadness. I never thought it will be this hard. I hope to rely on my brother but he seem like stranger now. I cant go to him. I need to be strong for my mom. I dont want her sad. I will keep strong and try to move on.

Win pov

What have i done., i cant see him like this, i promise to be with him when he is broken down but now i cant even go near to him. I dont know what to do, i felt helpless. The way he smile at fans and media really break my heart. I know he is really broken now. I cant hold anymore and call that bastard p mile.
You have to do something, he is not eating, he keep vomiting i yell at him.
Dont let me felt so wrong for trusting you, he look at me like a stranger. i cant see him like this. I said with a tears. He need you now. He is hurting. I end the call without listen to any reply.
I drive to bright home. I run to mom and hug her. I am sorry but i never thought to harm him. Mom please forgive me i said crying. Mom just hug me and pull me to the table. Have you eat she ask like usual. I nodd and hold her hand.
Mom please help me. i need my bro back i said and start crying. Mom just softly caress my hand. Give him time, he will be ok she said. He just confuse and frustrated. He felt all his have now due to mile so he need to work harder. He want people to recognized his tallent not because of back up from top people. He now felt so useless and try to find himself.  He will be ok., thank you for worrying for him. Just give him space. She slowly said. I look at her eyes and ask.. will he leave me mom. I dont know she said. I close my eyes and desprately pray he will forgive me. This simple guys in the eyes of world are very complicated person. He is strong in his own way, he never get back to anyone who hurt him. He just leave them alone. I mean just act like you never exist in his life. Then he will work hard to prove us wrong. That how he is. Look so weak and passive. But he is much stronger than he look. I never want to be on never exist list.. i love him so much.

Mile pov

Its been three weeks. I still not manage to get close to my baby. He always have his way to refuse me. Think mile think, if not you will lost him. I talk to myself.
I dont want to play hard baby but you leave me no way i finally decide to approach it forcely
I will visit, i need all artist under our company gather at our hall tomorrow, no one can excuse.
I messge the company operation executive. Then i call my team, like always we need to plan but this time he is our priority. Then we decide that i will go to my baby company with other team so that my curent company will maintain stable and dont make so much sound in industry.

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