Part 45 - Not happening

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Mile Pov

This is not happening. I cant believe my eyes, what have my baby done. Its really out of my imagination. How can he make most dangerous people smile and laugh with him. He even comply with all his request. The most important thing he get both of family neckclace, both from upperworld and underworld. Its mean he his recognized and protected by both world which is never happen in our family. i really thankful for my big brother who i will die for. Thanks to him all of us can live in peace.
I know i am his trusted and loved cousin and he came here tonight because our own cousin was killed yesterday. He like our guardian devil. No one know beside our family members that he is our close family. Thats why when he call the yakuza gang they imediately agree, they dont want to be on his bad side. We will have the funeral to respect the deaths. Even we live different life all of us love each other, we can die for each other. He is the only person i look up for and now this beauty on my lap make him his brother. This gonna be big, now both world will protect him and i will death if i make him cry.

Can i p he ask with sad eyes. Yes baby, all have been settle. Can you wait for another day, i need to attend my family funeral. Oh i am sorry p, i dont know there is death in your family. I can wait he said understandingly. Can i go too he ask. I just nodd. All of us will attend he said. Oh so sorry for you p he said and kiss my chin to comfort me.
Lets go we need to rest before the funeral. All of us need a good sleep.
Bright walk your self,  your p hurt jeff remind bright sternly. I know p bright answer with blushing face. Its ok baby i said and hug him tightly. He jump from my lap and walk to our room. The house become peaceful, only a few security still on guard. All the members who fight with us now sleep like a death. Most of them are injured and tired. I myself cant event wait for 5 munite before fell asleep. Why all of them so tired my baby ask. I dont even have energy to reply him. Lets sleep baby i said and fell into dream land

Bright pov

Seing p mile sleeping bright walk to balcony and start crying thankfully. Be patient bright you only need to wait for one day. I'm really worried about my career and business, i work hard for this but now i cant do anything. My staff keep asking me. Some fans want to refund the item because they think i betrayed win. I ask my staff to follow the procedure and i still not received any info from p toey. All my close friend sending message give moral support and ask about real situation. The situation must be very bad. I wish i brave enough to look at any media social but i'm too scare and it will make me crazy because i cant do anything here. I make an arrangement. I make sure my driver will pick me up tomorrow. I cant allow p mile held me anymore. He wont let me do anything. I dont know weather i can settle the issue or not, at least no brand call me to cancel anything. My own company so ready to kick me out, they dont even call me once. My family keep mesaging asking the truth. They worried about me. Only my mom waiting for me.. she know i will call her  if i need to.
I try to call win but he really busy. He is with his TS event. They now at japan. He send me a few message inform me not to worried. I felt gratefull for him because still with me..i dont know when but i fall asleep at the balcony..

Mile pov

Where is my baby,  i wake up looking for my kitten.. i cant find him when i try to hug him.. i walk to the balcony and see he sleep peacefully on the chair. i walk to him and look at his face. You must be crying again , i said and lift him up and bring him to our bed. Sorry baby, please wait a bit more. After this i will clear everythings and you can be mine forever. I'm sorry i kiss his head, then i fall asleep again when he secured in my arms. I can felt he climbing on my body and make himself comfort. He must be forget about my injury and out of coucious he do what he always do. Jeff gonna scold him again if he know. I just hold my breath to easy the pain. I hold him tight to prevent him moving and my beautiful baby sleep tightly. I'm relieved when he act like usual when he know we have close relation with mafia. I keep looking at him, he look so angelic. I wish i can take him here but i am too weak now. my baby wont allow me since he is so ready to go home. It was an hour after lunch time. I can felt movement in the house. Everyone must be be ready for funeral. The most healty and well rest person still sleep tightly. Baby wake up i said. He still refusing and hug me harder. I clench my teeth to easy the pain. We have funeral to attend i said again. He immediately wake up and sit on my groin. Dont move baby , i told him. why , he ask just dont move baby i beg him. He finally he notice where he sit. Opps sorry he said and climb down.
Big bro was right i gonna die because of you , i said. He just smile and reach out his hand to pull me up. Will p bro go to the funeral i ask. No he wont i answer. Why he ask again. He cant be seen in this world i said. He look confuse. Its ok baby you will understand one day. I know big brother already say his farewell to our cousin, he always the first one to reach us but will dissapear like a wind. I dont know how he manage his feeling but i really respect him. Its was a humble ceremony but we can see alot of people come wearing a black dress.. i felt a bit uncomfortable when people keep looking at bright and whisper..They must be talking about his double necklace. I worry he felt uncomfortable so i hold his hand and he grasp my hand warmly.

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