Part 28 - secured and loved

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Bright of POV

I felt a bit uncomfortable but somehow i felt secure and loved. I hold his hand all the way to my event. He is very careful when marking me. Maybe he is public figure himself make him more thoughtful. Now we are waiting for win at vip parking park. I keep playing with his hand happily. Suddenly he left my finger and reach out to his neck. He open his necklace chain and put it on my neck. I just look at him and he slowly said. This is belong to my family.
Dont lose it, even i cant pay for this .
U need to face my grand parent if we lose this he warn me.  I felt uncomfortable when i heard about the necklace. No p i cant accept this i said. he just laugh and said he was kidding but i still cannot believed him. Its his name signature but was design backwards. When you look at mirror u can see his signature (MP). We can see win white porce fastly drive in and park beside us. Come here he call me and kiss all over my face and give a hard last peck on my lips. Take care he said. Wait for my call he said again. I know its time for him to go. I will miss u he said again. I just look at his eyes and feel a bit teary.. no cry please, p will worry he said. touching my eyes. I finally smile and kiss his lip. Save journey p, please take care. Miss me alot i said. I will miss you too i said and hug him for the last time. Go he told me. I waive and get out of his car, go to win who is waiting for me. After a few moment p mile drive away and i walk with win to the event area. We walk to our team who are waiting for us.

Win i call him. He stop and turn to me.
Thank you i said and he smile. Are you ok now he ask. I just nodd and walk leaving him. Lets go i said.
We have a very successful event. All our fans and brand love us so much.
I'm really greatfull. Bai one of my team call and ask. Are you wearing accessories he ask. Yes p i reply and touch p mile necklace. I felt close to him. Its look special he said. So beautiful, is it expensive he ask. I dont know p its a gift. After that i go back home and play with my cat called ame.  I still waitng for p mile and have no idea that my necklace going viral. All my fans start
Investigate the necklace. They try to find brand, price or the signiture. While now i accompany my mom to wacth his drama and lazily lay on the couch.

Unknown pov

Who is he, how come he have mile necklace. A very firm and loud voice fill in a very old mansion but scream luxury. All of people in his dining room just keep silent shaking with fear. All of them not aware of bright existing except for mile and his parent. Where is he, he ask again. I want to see him now he scream again.
Can you not screaming old man suddenly an old lady come to save the day. What are you angry about. Of course he is mile partner. She act like a nothing just happen and sit beside old man next to his daughter in law who face pale like ghost. You order it yourself and ask mile to give it to his partner, what this ruckus for,he is telling you who his partner is she said casually. Now drop the topic and lets eat, i cook your favorite curry today she said and start to serve her husband. The old mam slowly grumble. Who dont know that, he should bring him here. His wife just smile and said. If he dont bring him, we can go to him. After that the old man cool down and eat quietly.

Mean while in the family group without both old man look so busy and hectic.. every body sharing bright picture and sharing his previous job. He is beautiful than me one of mile cousin said. All of his famlily agreed and teasing her. We gonna have a star in family. They are so excited and happy for mile. They silently agree its only because he is mile. They dont think grandpa will be this cool if done by others. He is the mile who manage to triple their wealth in only 5 years and he enjoy himself to the fullest. All family members cant say anything to him. He already prove his ability at young age. Mile who only look at his family chat room only can be a silent reader and sigh. What have you done baby.. he said and start looking for the trending...its because of bright team take a picture before event.. bright still with his stylist.. the pic was taken with bright view in the back. Thats how its start and the trending person still not aware of the situation..

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