Part 14 - can't hold

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Bible pov

I cant hold any longer,  finally i laugh as loud as i want. Same with apo, he cant control it anymore. Its so funny looking at the mighty mile being ignore by his love life. I dont care the death glare i received. You need to work hard boss, i pat his back and get into the house . Looking at bright who stay close with jeff. Jeff just smirk at mile and listen to bright story who look excited.
All of us sit in the hall and mile almighty sit at the farthest couch from his love. I felt a bit pity but funny at the same time. Bright become the center and all of us include pete and apo now sit surround him and concentrate on him.
Tell me demand jeff.  I know he act a bit firm toward bright so he can get the real reason why bright follow john to the club tonight. Since we start monitor him closely, or since 3 years ago confirm by apo, he is not the type who go clubbing and party. So there must he a reason he act out of his character.
Can you promise to keep a secret he ask. All of us nodded like a parrot. We have bw project this year, he said excitedly. The concept is mafia like but not that extreme like yours. That why i follow p bible to meet all of you before he said. I want to learn and feel the mafia vibe from all of you. You know how my company dont even allow me unbutton my shirt. I always with full dress. So i need to feel the vibe, but as you know p mile prevent me to learn from you guys, he said slowly but enough to be hear by mile. So i have to refer to my school friend, he introduce me to p john. All eyes are on mile and he pretend like he hear nothing. knowing him, i know he blame himself inside. After that ,all of you  know the next story he end his explanation. I never thought he is this serious about his career. I thought he only sweet talk to his fans. I felt a bit guilty, since we are rival, i cant help but doubt him before. I never thought p john like a guy like me, i think he is blind add bright angrily. I think i broke his nose he proudly said. I move closer to bright. Bright do you know it gonna be very bad if we dont arrived at the right time right, i ask him softly. Then his face become pale like he just notice that we just save his life. You can learn about the gang with us, no need to learn with other people but p mile not allow me to learn from you he counter fastly. I look at mile. You can now he said coldly.
Thank you p for saving my life he sincerely thankful for me and apo. I just look at mile and he suddenly stand up and go to his room. Bright look at him sadly and i know he felt guilty. Bright, p mile really worry about you. He go to save you even he injured. He is the one who save you, do you know that? I ask bright. I m trying to give a credit to my stupid boss. He just silent and nodded slowly. First thing about gang is loyalty and return back. Like how we become loyal to mile because he save our life and we become friend siince early age. He never ask anythings but we felt his love so we return all his kindness with loyaty. He is too rich if we want to pay him with money anyway.  All of us laugh at my joke. A simple thank you is enough for him. I still look into bright face who become silent. I know , but i dont know him, he is annoying and always scold me, i just forgive him today, i still hate him you know, he said with cute voice. i just stunned with his reason. Once again my gang laugh our ass out. And p do you see how he pick me up, i nearly punch his face he said annoyingly. I cant help but love this guy.  I know bright is manly man and straight guy, he will never allow someone treat him like a girl but he just so cute complaint and getting angry at mile.
I just nodded smile. If you want to feel and do like mafia, right now you have life debt with p mile. I try to brainwash him. No , he is not suddenly metawin come and walk to bright. Damm i curse inside. This cute bunny always on time. You are not in debt with anyone , he said firmly  and you need to explain your behaviour today. Me and my friend slowly leave win and bright to give them a space. I can see from far, metawin really angry with bright and bright cant even lift his head. I really love their bonding. If i'm not helping my boss, i will be their shipper. They look good together. Mile get down when i mesage him informing his love rival just arrive. He already change his cloth,  i know he is in pain.

win keep scolding bright and that puppy cannot say anything to win. He accept all the anger and wait for win to cool down. What are you thinking,  what will happen to your mom if anything happen to you. He keep scolding. Say something, win yell at him. I know mile dont do anything because he have same opinion with win. Win, i'm hungry , bright said slowly. Win close his eye and try hard to calm down. I felt like wacthing a cartoon. I nearly laugh again. Their character is totally differ from their series. Look like bright is the nuisance not win. Its enough win, lets eat first he is hungry suddenly jeff interupt. That cold jeft have soft spot for this cute guy. Bright look at jeff with love and try to run from win. I'm not finish yet , said win coldly. Bright back to his sit obediantly like a puppy. Let me see you, are you hurt anywhere, he ask still in firm tone. All of us know and can see how worried win right now. Then that cheeky brat imediately say yes and show his not so injured fist. I punch his nose, he said dramaticly. Win hold his hand gently but then push bright hand. Serve you right , he said. I will kill you myself if you do this again, win said. I just smile and then look at dark vibe around mile. Lets eat first,  i try to change the atmosphere. Please p i'm hungry that brat answer loudly. I hold pete waist and reach out my hand to him. He happily hold my hand walk out the room. Thanks p, he slowly whisper to me. I and pete look at each other and laugh loudly.

After a few minute  all of us are at dining table having dinner. Thank you, i will never forget this, win said. I know his word are for my boss. Bright just look down at his food. He look so small for 183 cm guys. Lets eat , mile said and all of us start digging. I know mile never fail to see how win keep putting food in bright plate, he also notice how bright being baby with win.
Its late now, i already inform bright mom, he will stay here tonite mile said. we just nod but win object. Thank you, but i can take him home. Bright look at win then to mile. I pray for the first time please choose my boss. Can we stay here tonite, i'm so tired bright say .
I can see the light from my boss face. Win look at bright face deeply and finally nodded his head..

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