Part 44 - settle

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Pete pov

I am glad we settle the issue even mile lost 500M. He dont even care about the money. He already offer to tamamaki but that ugly bastard reject and keep asking for bright. Now we have a feast here. All the backup team was gather and enjoy the breakfirst. My baby bible busy entertaint our guest. All this caveman laugh and keep swearing, such a choatic breakfirst
Then all of them suddenly stop at what there are doing and look at bright who now look so cute with his yellow beanie and stripe shirt. He is looking for p mile and did not notice we have a lots of guest today. We are at the garden so he cannot see us. P, he call mile and sit on his lap. But instantly stand up when he see other people at the hall. He must think all of them are us. I'm sorry he said. He look so shy and red. Mile just laugh and kiss his cheek. Big bro this is my love, bright mile introduce him. So this is the, Big bro jeff call and cut him before he said beauty. Big bro get the hint and silently observe bright. Bright look a bit scare and move closer to mile and whisper. Who is this handsome man he whisper to mile and loud enough to make big bro heard and fall for him. Mile getting sulky and ask, more than me. He innocently nodd his head then he get a hard kiss from mile. He strugle to push mile, this is your punishment mile said. Mile caress bright lips which now swollen. Then mile hug him softly. Omg boss really whipped , we can heard voice from garden. Then bright notice around 100 people are having breakfirst in the garden. He look at p mile. They are family he said. He just nodd with suspicious look. Suddenly big bro laugh hard. Oh mile ,you gonna dead he said. i told you jeff said. But i like you he said to bright who look scared, he must be think of john and tamamaki, he get closer to mile. Mile hug his waist. Its ok, he is good guy he said and kiss his hair. Are you hungry baby he ask. Bright just nodd. Lets go he said. After you big bro he said. Big bro laugh loud again. When they reach at garden bright suddenly stop. I need to change he said. Why ask mile. Its ok they just family. No bright said. why baby, he ask again. Then he whisper to mile. No you look good mile said. Then i wont eat he said then mile just sigh. Ok baby just hurry we are waiting for you, we dont want our guest hungry right. Give me a second he said and run to his room. Big bro sit at the table head. mile on his right and jeft on his left.. then bright come with his black jeans and shirt. Now he look so white with all the black theme. Once again all the boys look stuned. He is such a beauty, he can wear sack but still look handsome. How i look p , he ask mile sofly when sit beside him. Handsome mile said and start helping him get his food. Good choice of word. Then big brother said , mile you never get me a cup of tea before. All of us bite our lips and hold ourself from laughing. Looks like you have new boss. big bro casually talk to jeff. Dont tell me big bro, he cant be save anymore and all of us start laughing and swearing again. The kitten around the wolves happily enjoy his meal.

He is the famous bright now happily eating and teasing around the most dangerous mafia gang. Dont worry he is one of my brother, he gonna be fine big bro suddenly said. Mile look relieved and nodd his head. But i think he is all over the news right now. What will you do ask big bro. Its look like he already know who bright is. Mile just look at his baby now clingy to p jeff and mingle with the boys. My baby keep alert on bright safety, we never can trust all this bulls fully. He just smile. Its you? Big bro ask with wide eyes. He try to leave me he said shamelessly, big bro just shake his head. Just call me and cry when he leave you after he know all this he said scarsticly to mile. He will never have a chance to leave me, i willl cage him if i need he said again. Big bro look at me and said, he is crazy in love. Tell him big bro i said.

Now bright hand in hand walk with jeff.
He manage to make ice jeff melt, big bro said again. Yes p he is just so sweet, handsome and beautiful one mile said proudly. Do i need to clear his on screen partner , he ask seriously. No, both of us scream. Relax i just kidding big brother said. Not long after bright come to his p
mile but still on alert mode of big bro. His appearance and aura is is not for someone like bright. Again he whisper to mile. Why he look at me, he ask mile. Mile just smile and caress his hair. Dont worry baby, he is good man.

Come here suddenly big brother call bright. He look scare and look at p mile. Why , he ask even he is scare. Our bright never fail to amuse us. Big bro look suprise but still call him. I ask you to come here and i ask why he reply but now he nearly sit into mile lap. He act brave but very scare inside. He hug mile hand but never leave big bro eyes.
Come here ,i wont hurt you big bro try again. You can talk there , i can here you just fine here he reply. Come here brat, big bro sound annoyed. i'm not brat i am bright he said and and now already on p mile lap. Even your p cant safe you if i want to hurt you , big bro said with a smirk. Liar, he said and look at p mile. can't you p, he ask p mile. Mile in a tough situation. Let just say we will die together mile said. Really, bright ask him again. Mile nodd his head. Dont worry p i will protect you he said and glare at big bro. What do you want , he ask big bro try to be brave for mile. He walk slowly and stand a bit far from big bro. So this is how you melt all of this caveman big bro ask. Bright look at him confusely. Come here i wont hurt you. Bright walk closer but still in suspiciois mode. Then big bro give him a necklace. Wear this with your necklace, no one will try to hurt you again he said. Bright look at p mile and he just nodd. But you must know to protect your self. People dont have time to run from all over the world for you, he said sternly, they will come but maybe its too late. So you must know how to protect your self. He said again. Mile just look down with guilty smile. But i know to protect myself , bright confidently said. I know boxing he said proudly. yeah,  Big bro ask. Yes and i hit p mile before he said again. Mile where did you find this boy , big bro ask. Mile just smile and caress his nose. Now big bro come closer and put his neclace to bright long neck. Always remember to wear both of necklace. He said and caress bright hair. Bright just look at him and sofly said thank you p, wait he said and run to his room. My mom make this for me but i 'll i give it to you, i think you need its more. She pray for my safety he said and put a spell beads on big bro hand. Big bro just look at his hand and once again caresss bright hair. Thank you he said and start walk out the room. Get ready we need to move, too much love are not so us he said to his man, they just laugh. All of us walk to him. Thanks big bro mile said.
You make him cry you will die, he said to mile. He wont mile said confidently. No p bro , he lie, p mile always make me cry suddenly bright said. All of us stuned with his spoil act with big bro. He walk to him. He always scold and not listen to me, he said again. Really big bro ask. So you want me to kill him he ask. Bright just smile sweetly like an angel. No, but can you scold him for me, no one can scold him here , he keep reporting on mile. Big bro just laugh out loud. All his man look shock. No, he wont scold you anymore he said soflty and touch bright hair. Wont you mile , he ask firmly. Yes big bro mile obediently answer. Bright now smile widely and hug big bro out of sudden. Thank you p bro he said, i will miss you, when you visit thailand, i will be your host he said sincerely. Big bro also shock but he hug him back and said to mile with serious tone. You know what this mean, so you better not hurt him. Mile just nodd in amused.
Then after a few more chat, all of the guest leave the house and now bright sit on mile lap like he do nothing playing with his phone.

big bro is the most dangerous person in underworld and this beautiful guy here just make him his brother. I look at mile and smirk. Mile still in dazed. Finally he smile and look at bright. Do you want to go home he ask bright. Can i p he quickly reply. I can see sadness in his question.
He is very honest and simple man. When he sad, we can see he sad, when he angry we can see he angry. He never discriminate anyone. He accept us for who we are. That why big bro fall for him. He wont hide or trick anyone.
I think he slowly get it now and understand who we are .

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