Part 34 - Bad liar

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Bright pov

When i open my eyes. I can see p mile sleeping face. I hug him tightly.  I snuggle closer to him and put my hed on his chest. Bad p,  liar p i keep mumbling.
Then i felt a kiss on my head.
I look up and saw his teary eyes. I love u so much baby, he said. I just look and hold him tight. Not long after we ready for the day win and the team come and start our meeting. The first thing win do is hit me at my back head and kick me heartlessly. P mile was shocked and hurrily hide me behind his back. You play a stunt like this again, you will death by my hand ,win sad coldly. I move from p mile back and hug him. I am sorry, i said but win just leave me behind. I run to him and prepared everything he need. Go away ,he said coldly.  Pakkkk i heard someone hit win head.  Stop it, we dont want another drama p jeff said. His tantrum mean disaster , he said again. Sorry p, i said to p jeff. He can tantrum as much as he want ,my p mile come to rescue. Ohh please others said annoyingly. Win roll his eyes to me. Now princess tell me what this drama all about , p bible ask dramaticly
P  i'm not princess, i start getting annoy. Oopss my mistake, why this drama handsome young man, he ask again. I smile shyly answer his question.  he is marking me, i said very slow, but win manage to hear it. He what, he cant take it anymore and hit me once again. who are you, i dont know you , he said frustratedly. He must be worried about me, the other look at win with question look, he angry because p mile mark him, win said loud and clear. Win, i scold him. Dont u dare yell at me, he said with cold tone. Come here baby , p mile pull me onto his lap. He worried win will hit me again. His member glare a mile, they know p mile. Its not just simple marking, they know him too much. But i wont tell win the detail. He will angry with p mile. Angry metawin is always bad news.After that everythings went smoothly. Win and my manager already going back to thai with all the team.

Now only leave me and p mile on our short vocay at korea. He promise to bring me last time. The yakuza attack already become a big news in thai. Everyone was worried when i not appear at the airport.

"I need time to recover for my mental health" i tweet when the situation out of control. My intention to make my fans not worried. But they become agresive and attack my company because failed to protect me. P mile just smile weirdly..

"I am ok.. dont worry.. i will back before u know.." i tweet again.

Mile pov

I just smile and laugh ackwardly seing all the curse to the company, in other word to me.. i have so many thing i want to do with him, i make a lot of plan.. but all of my plan was just leave as plan now when he keep crying and whining because i cant control myself yesterday.

Flash back

We just arrive at my holiday villa in korea. The the snow still heavy and beautiful. At first we just play with the snow untill my baby fell on his bump,  then he refuse to play anymore. As you know i have so many dream on what will i do when he is mine. The view of him  reading a book with hot choc is one of them. I am that dirty when it involved my baby.  I felt like on heat when he just sitting there beautifully. He look at me with weird face when i slowly come to him. Baby dont seduce me i said. I what he ask..

( imagine what scene you want)

After the heaven pleasure i will face the hell. I just smile accepting all of his complaint and keep hugging a cry baby now. After he relax enough i need to clean him to prevent fever and burn. I slowly lift him and put in in warm water with reducing swollen herbs. He cry all the way when i clean him up and he bit my shouder. I think i gonna have a scar for that. I leave him in tub full of herbs for a while and clean the mess we do. after that i put him on bed. He refuse to lay on bed and now laying on top me with his nonstop cry. I kiss him for comfort and just listen to all his whining. He must be in great pain. After all the pain killer and cooling swollen cream start to function, he fall asleep. Tomorrow gonna be a hell for me..

End of flash back

I just hold him tight and even feed him..
Every movement make he cringe in pain.. I hate u p. He keep saying that in my arms..I love u baby , i reply every time he said that. I told u it wont fit, he said again. I dont feel my legs, he still mumbling. I am sorry love , i said and kiss him. But baby it fit you well, i said and bite my inner cheeke to prevent me from smiling.  P , he screem angrily. I wont let you do me again. You are monster. He continue he to rant.
But baby u keep screaming for more, I  remind him with a smile. He glare at me for a thousand time this morning.
I do everythings for him. I felt sorry for him but never regret. I really need to be carefull of his schedule. I need to manage his schedule well to satisfy my need untill our retirement. My pervert mind already thinking
I already check on his schedule. So for now i obediently be his slave, but being a slave to the most popular guy after do him hard is the best feeling in my life.

❤Thank you for reading❤

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