How You Met

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You just got off the bus from school and ran to the woods. Since it was your 16th birthday, your only wish was to be alone. You ran until you finally got to your favorite spot. You sat on a giant rock and over looked the river. You let out a sigh of relief to be alone and smiled. You closed your eyes, then before you knew it, you went to sleep. Couple hours passed and it was night fall. You woke up and looked up at the moonlight. You got up and stretched while looking around. You decided it was time to head back. Your feet and head knew exactly where to go. You stopped when you felt something touch your back. You turned around really fast and gasped. A tall, slender man with no face and tendrils coming out of his back. "Child, why are you in my woods?" You gulped and told him why. He 'smiled' and told you happy birthday. You smiled and looked down. He grabbed you by a tendril around your waist and teleported you home. You didn't know why...but you felt like you loved this man.

Jeff the Killer
You just came home from school, you were listening to Canible by Kesha and texting (y/b/f/n) when you went up stairs to watch some horror movies on youtube. Later on, you heard your mom call for you. So you ran downstairs. She said she was going out with her friends and that you were going to cook for yourself. You said OK and watched her leave. After the door closed, you rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen. You got a bag of (favorite chips) and got a (favorite drink) and went to the couch as you watched TV. Hours passed by and your mom still wasn't home. You read the time, it was 2:30. Your eyes felt heavy and you finally closed your eyes. After 5 minutes you shot your eyes open from a loud crash. You slowly turned around and saw the kitchen light on. You swore you turned if off. You got up to turn it off when you jumped back. You saw a guy with a white hoodie and black hair. He had a smile carved in his face. You gulped as he held a knife. "I'll give you anything you want...just please don't kill me." You were scared you didn't want to die yet. He walked to you and put a hand on your cheek. You shivered from his cold hand. "What I really want is to see you again, (y/n)." You gulped then watched him leave. Your heart was beating from being scared, but something in your mind told you that he was really cute.

You were skipping this school day. It was just nothing but hearing teachers talk. You stayed in your room and watched (favorite TV show) and ate (favorite food). Your mom was just about to leave to go grocery shopping. You asked her to get a lot of things, just so she would take longer. You liked being alone, it gave you time to be yourself. After you heard the door slam, you jumped up and began to run a round like an idot. You ate popcorn, chips, jumped on the couch. You had a blast. You finally wanted to end the time alone with some video games. You turned on your C.O.D and started to play. After a few minutes it started to act weird. It would be glitchy and have static. You hit the consul to see if that worked, but all that came on the screen was the words, "you shouldn't have done that." You tilted your head and jumped up when you saw a guy in green come out of your screen. He stood before you and smiled, looking you over. "You really are pretty, (y/n). I will come see you again." He gave you and wink and you couldn't help but blush. Then you heard your mom yell for you. "Coming mom." You turned back to where the guy was, but he was gone. You looked around the room while going to the door. You smiled thinking about when he called you pretty.

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