You Meet Again ;)

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You ran through the wood with a smile on your face. The wind was going through your hair like in a movie. You ran like you were walking on air. You loved the outdoors and nature. You turned corners, jumped over fallen logs, it was just amazing. Then you stopped and saw a tree. You smiled while panting real hard. You got up to it and started to climb it. You was almost to the top when the limb came to a Crack and you fell to the ground. You waited for the impact, but nothing happened. You felt something around your waist. You looked down and it was a tendril. You looked over and saw your Slender friend. "You need to be more careful." You smiled and giggled. He 'smiled' to and you guys spent the whole day together. You didn't know why, but it seems like you were developing feelings for him.

Jeff the Killer
You thought about the Killer that came to your house. You smiled and blushed when you thought about when he put his hand on your cheek. "So, (y/n), you thinking about me already?" You turned around and there he was, standing by your window. You gulped and shook your head no. He chuckled and looked at you. "Liar." You rolled your eyes and he sat by you on the bed. You guys talked about mostly everything. You smiled everytime you made him laugh and he smiled everytime he made you laugh. After a long time of talking, you looked at the clock. It was already midnight. "Wow its late." You looked at him and he shrugged. "I could talk to you anytime." You blushed and he smiled. He got up and went to the window. "Hope we get to talk again, (y/n)." You looked at him and smiled. "I really hope that too." You could see him blush a little but he turned and ran off.

You were watching TV when you saw someone out of the corner of your eye. You looked over and saw Ben. You smiled and giggled. He smiled and sat by you and watched TV with you. You loved to talk to  him and he loved talking to you. (Sorry it was short...I ran out of ideas XC)

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