When He Apologizes

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Everytime you turned around Slender would be there holding flowers or whatever you Liked in his hands, trying to say sorry. "(Y/n), please, I'm sorry I was just upset that day, you can eat as much as you want." You looked at him then looked at Alice which was drawing a picture of her and her little sister. (You have another girl lol, spoiler XD *troll face*). You sighed then looked back at Slender. You then grabbed his arm and walked to another room. "Slender, I don't like us fighting, but what you said and did. It made me look like a pig." He sighed and nodded his head. "I'm sorry for that." You then hesitated then hugged him tight. He smiled and hugs you tight. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and you giggled. "I love you." He smiled at you and said it back.

Jeff the Killer
"Jeff go away!" You yelled at him. He wouldn't leave you alone since after the fight. He kept saying sorry and you had enough. You then gave him a kiss and he shut up then and kissed you back. "I've not been mad at you since we had the fight, dumbass. I just wanted to see how long you would apologize." You smiled and he chuckled. "This is why I love you." He then dipped you and kissed you again.

You were playing Evie on the computer when it started to talk by itself. "Y/n, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." You rolled your eyes and began to type.

You: Why should I, you don't love me enough to make me feel better. All you want is time to yourself.

Ben: I was just upset because of my game, I promise it wasn't toward you. I love making you feel better.

You smiled and sighed and continued to type.

You: come here, you baby.

Ben then came out of the computer and hugged you so tight. He then rubbed your belly and gave you kisses.

Laughing Jack
He gave you candy after candy after candy, but you wouldn't take them. You would just throw them away from you. He sighed and hugged you. "You don't know how sorry I am. Please forgive me." You sighed and never budged. He sighed, then smirked getting an idea. He pulled out (your favorite candy) and your eyes widen, then narrowed. "You son of a bitch." He giggled at you comment then took the candy. "I love you, (y/n)." You rolled your eyes then said it back with candy in your mouth.

Ticci Toby
Toby had surprised you with a stack full of waffles with a smiley face in top. "(Y/n), you don't know how sorry I am. You aren't fat or anything. You eat because you have another tiny me in there." You threw your head down and giggled. You tried not to give him satesfaction but it didn't work. He then smiled and hugged you while you two shared the waffles.

You crossed your arms and was pissed more then the devil ever was. In other words you were pretty mad. Offender was trying to apologize. He was on his knees begging for you to belive him. You finally stood and slapped him in the face and hot tears came down your eyes. "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME! AND IN FRONT OF YOUR SON! I DON'T KNOW WHAY TO TELL HIM WHAT YOU WERE DOING BECAUSE I DON'T WANT HIM TO BE LIKE YOU! HOW DARE You do this to me...." you fell to your knees and cried. He hugged you and kissed your forehead and promised it wouldn't happen again. It took a while for you to finally forgive him, but you finally did at some point.

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