Kids day! :D

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(Idk this was random XD)
Alice-Slenderman's daughter
Issac-Jeff's son
Isabelle-Laughing Jacks daughter
Nick-Bens son
Natasha and Avery-Ticci Toby's kids

"Guys! Guys! Look what I found!" Alice held held a caper head up and showed Nick, Issac, Isabelle, Avery, and Natasha. Isabelle and Natasha screamed and ran off while everyone else was looking at it in aw. "I want to hold it." Nick swiped the snake out of Alice's hands and smiled. It hissed at Nick, making him laugh. "It has sharp teeth." Issac said while grabbing the snake. "No I want to hold it!" Issac and Nick was pulling back and fourth on the snake, when SNAP, it broke in two. They all looked at the snake which was twitching on the ground. "Now see what you did." Avery said to Nick and Issac. They rolled there eyes when Natasha and Isabelle slowly peeked from behind a tree. "Is the snake dead?" Isabelle asked. "Yeah its dead, sadly." Issac said while Alice turned and walked off. Isabelle and Natasha came back to them when Alice yelled. "Hey look a spider!" She threw it on Isabelle which screamed and ran back to the mansion followed my Natasha. Everyone laughed and picked up the spider. "Let me hold it." They handed it to Avery which started to shake, feeling the spider crawl on his arm and neck. He then lost it and screamed. "GET IT OFF ME!" He then ran back to the mansion which left Alice, Nick, and Issac laughing there ass off.

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