He finds Out

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"Hey honey.." you looked up to see him with a test in your hand. Your eyes went wide and you mumbled the word shit over and over. You ran up to grab it but he held it up out of your reach. "Why didn't you Tell me?" You looked down. "Because I was scared to tell you..." He looked at you. "Scared...why would I be scared I always wanted to be a daddy." You smiled big and hugged him. "I love you Slendy."

Jeff the Killer
"Babe, is what Slender told me true..." you looked at him. "About what baby?" He looked at you and you could tell what he was thinking. You sighed and nodded your head. He walked up to you and was about to get ready for yelling, but all he did was hug you. "I'm going to be a daddy." You were shocked and smiled and hugged him back tight. "I love you babe, and I love you too." He said while kissing your stomach.

"Gamer girl." Ben hugged you from behind. "I think your preagnate." You looked at him with a large piece of cake in your mouth. "Why do you say that?" He looked at you. "Because you've been eating a lot ever since we, you know." You sighed and looked down. "Ok...I am. I was scared to tell you..." He looked at you. "Scared! Scared!? Why would I be scared...I want to be a daddy." You looked at him and smiled real big. You hugged him and kissed him. "I taste chocolate...I wonder why." You giggled and kissed him again.

Laughing Jack
"Gum drop, are you preagnate..." you looked at L.J and nodded your head slowly. He had a toothy grin on his face and laughed. "I'm going to be the best dad ever!" You smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. You two hugged and cuddled while L.J rubbed your belly.

Ticci Toby
"Is my little baby preagnate!" You jumped at the sound of his voice and looked at him. You smiled and blew a breath of relief knowing he was happy. You nodded your head and giggled. He hugged you tightly and kissed you over and over.

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