He Takes You On A Date

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"Where are we going, Slendy. Please tell meeee." He chuckled and said it was a surprise. He was in his allusion form, which was about 6'7 and held your hand. "Are we there yet?" He shook his head no and 'smiled'. After about what seemed like forever, you saw this cabin. You tilted your head then looked at slender. "This is where I grew up. I sorta fell in love with this place because of the view, so I sorta took care of it." He held your hand and took you in. You awed at the place. There was a candle lit dinner with rose peddles all over the floor. You looked at slender and smiled. He took your hand and led you to the table and sat. You enjoyed the night with great food and flirting.

Jeff Ze Killer
You were walking with Jeff holding hands. He smiled at you and you smiled back. He took you through the park and to a little spot. It over looked the city. The lights bright and you could hear music playing. (Favorite band) was playing for a concert. You could hear it so clear and the view was beautiful. You sat down and cuddles with Jeff and quietly sang with the music. Jeff kissed you on top of the head and whispered, "your voice is like angels." You blushed and smiled. This was the best night.

You were in your room playing (favorite video game). You felt someone cover your eyes. Thinking it was your little cousin/niece trying to bug you, you grabbed there hands and told them to get out and don't bother you when your in the middle of a game. "Well that's no way to treat your boyfriend." You turned around and giggled. "Sorry about that." You said while biting your lips. He smiled and took your hand. "Let's go out on a date, gamergirl." You giggled and said sure. You went to the video game arcade and ate pizza and played games all day. This was the best date of your life.

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