Ben's Wedding

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Your green dress flowing as you step toward the mirror. This was amazing. You couldn't belive it. This tomboy of a gamer girl was getting married. You smiled through the tears. You wondered how amazing this was and how you got dumped and hurt and never thought you would find your true love. Well you finally did, and you loved him. "Five minutes, (y/n)." Toby came in and you said thank you. He smiled then walked back out. You got your (favorite color) flower bouquet and walked out the door. It was storming outside, of course you two picked a day where lighting and thunder struck, but right now all you saw was a sunny, warm day. Slender was playing the piano and Zanglo was the preacher. You hated Zanglo, but right now all you focused on was Ben. "Hey sexy." You smiled when Ben whispered that next you. Zanglo kept talking. "I can't wait for our honeymoon." He gave you a wink and you blushed and giggled. Zanglo cleared his throat and looked at Ben. "Do you, Ben, take (y/n) to be your wedding wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health?" Ben nodded. "Hell yeah I do." Everyone smiled and laughed. You giggled and him. Zanglo looked at you. "(Y/n), do you take Ben to be your wedding husband. To love, to hold, in sickness and in health?" I smiled and said I do. "I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Ben never let him finished and kissed you like never before. Everyone clapped while you threw the bouquet. Slender's girlfriend grabbed it snd blushed, looking at slender. Slender blushed and looked away. You giggled at them and smiled. Ben took your hand and you two ran outside and went back to the mansion. You two spent the whole day in your pj's and planned for the honeymoon.

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