When You Move In

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Slenderman (his pov)
I walked toward her house...I was kind of scared of what she might say. I finally come to her house and sighed, telapoting into her room. She look at me, she was at her computer with her (favorite Color) headphones in her ears with her knees up and eating noodles. She took the head phones out and gulped down the noodles she had crammed in her mouth. I chuckled at her, she was so cute. "Is something wrong, Slendy?" I shook my head no and gulped. "Will you come live with me at the Mansion? I just can't live without you." Her eyes...her eyes sparked like never before with a smile. "Yes I will, Slendy." I smiled and hugged her. I helped her pack and say goodbye and went on our way.

Jeff the Killer (his pov)
I came through her window and waited on her bed, waiting for her to get out of the shower. She came out in her P.Js, which I thought was so cute. "Hey baby." She said and gave me a kiss. "Come live with me in the mansion." She looked at me and giggled and said sure why not. I smiled and took her hand and led her to the mansion. Hoodie got her clothes and stuff soon after.

Ben was waiting for me downstairs. He waved at me and had a suitcase. "What's that for?" My mind was racing. "Your coming to live with me." He said with a smile. I giggled and shrugged and said yeah. He grabbed the suitcases and I kissed him on the lips and we went off.

Laughing Jack
"Baby...Baby....baby..." you kept poking L.J trying to get his attention. "What is it, Sugar drop?" You smiled and asked, "Can I come live at the mansion with you?" He smiled a toothy grin and said yes I would love that. He helped you pack and gave you a big hug a big kiss.

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