Laughing Jack :D

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How You Met
"Come on, (y/n), don't tell me your scared." (B/f/n) kept teasing you. "No I am not scared, and you teasing me isn't making me even more scared." They patted you on the shoulder. "What are friends for." He/she smiled. They told you to go to an abandoned carnival for the night. You finally gave in and said fine and snuck in. They yelled good luck and ran for home. You gulped and looked at the weren't scared, you were terified. "Calm down you can do this. Only one night." You told yourself over and over. You finally got tired after a while and decided to sleep. You found this huge tent and decided to go find shelter there. While you were laying on a pile of hay, you started to doze. You were just about to fall asleep when you heard a tune. It sounded like the song "Pop Goes the Weasle." You heard it come closer and closer when you looked up and gasped. A huge black and white clown with a toothy grin looked at you. "...pop goes the Weasle." You tried to scream but couldn't. You froze. But he just looked at you and smiled. "Well, aren't you just beautiful." You were confused but you found yourself blushing. Before he dispersed in a cloud of black smoke he said that he would see you again. You smiled and finally after a while, went to sleep.

You Meet Again
You thought about the clown over and over. You smiled everytime you thought of his voice. He had a deep voice. You loved it. You were playing on the computer when you heard a loud thump. You looked over and saw Laughing Jack sitting on your window seal. He smiled his toothy grin and said hey. You smiled and waved and said hi. You two sat on the bed and talked all night long. When you fell asleep he put you under the covers, and gave you a kiss on the forehead. He blushed a deep shade and went out the window before you woke up.

When He Has Feelings for You (his pov)
"... (y/n)... (y/n)...what a beautiful name for such a gorgeous girl." He shook his head. "Get a hold of can't fall in love with a human...but somewhere deep down, I can't help but blush when she's near...or how she says my name." A smile formed on his face. "She will be mine...I feel it."

When You Go On A Date (first kiss)
"Hey (y/n), what are you dressed up for?" Jack climbed through your window while you were curling your (h/c) hair. "Getting ready for a date." Jacks smile went away and he sat on your bed. "What's wrong L.J?" He shook his head while you struggled to put on a necklace with those tiny holes. You growled in frustration when you felt L.J's hands grab the necklace. He put it on you. "I just...don't want you to go on this date, that's all." He said quietly. You two stared at each other on the mirror. His hands rubbing your shoulders. You shuddered at his cold hands. He stopped when he felt you shake. You turned around and looked at each other. He grinned. "Your the most prettiest girl I ever seen, and I want you to be mine." You blushed. He put a hand on your cheek and gave you a kiss on the lips. It was soft and romantic. After you two pulled apart you blushed. "Yes, I will be yours." He smiled and gave you a huge hug and twirled you around. You giggled and hugged him back.

He Takes You On A Date
(Day of your first kiss) You canceled your date and went with L.J instead. You two didn't know where to go, so you went to his carnival and rode tons of rides and stuff. At least you changed into a t-shirt and some jeans. You rode many rides and played lots of games. You two talked for hours and made out for a while too before you fell asleep in his arms. (Awwwww :D)

He Meets You At School
You were walking in the halls ditching (class you hate the most). You hid when you seen teachers and stuff. You finally found a perfect hiding spot and sat there. You and L.J have been dating a while now and all you could think was him. You smiled everytime you thought of your conversations. You heard footsteps coming to your hiding spot. You got worried and waited for the teacher to catch you when, a piece of candy rolled towards you. You picked it up and laughed and looked. "Hey gum drop, you ditching?" You giggled and nodded your head. L.J sat down and you sat in his lap. When the bell rang, you thought about going to your next class, then L.J gave you a kiss on the neck. You blushed and said screw it and skipped the whole school day with L.J and never got caught.

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