When Your Tired

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( 10 months later)
"Stay awake...must stay awake..." you kept nodding off holding the baby. You were rocking it to sleep, but it looked like you were doing the sleeping. You finally just closed your eyes and fell foward, but Slender came in just in time to catch you and the baby. He put her back in her crib and held you up. He then took you to the bedroom and let you sleep for along time while he took care if Savanah.

Jeff the Killer
You were on the couch rocking the baby crib. You hadn't had sleep in so long because Zoe was very hyper and would cry all through the night. She finally went to sleep and you blew a breath of relief. You then closed your eyes and smiled. "Hey mom look!" Your eyes shot open from Issac yelling and from Zoe starting to cry. You sighed and groaned. You were so tired.

"Go to sleep, go to-" you then shook your head and sang a different song, because that other one sounded like what Jeff would say. "Rock a by baby..." you kept rocking your child. Your eyes had bags under them and you looked horrible. You jumped at the sound of Ben in the quiet room. "Baby, why don't you go to bed. I'll rock him to sleep." You didn't say another word and handed him the baby while groggely walking to the room and crashing in the bed.

Laughing Jack
You smiled when Isabelle was playing with Devan. "And this is good candy, it taste sweet and really good, but this is the bad candy. It can kill you so don't try this ok." She kept showing Devan stuff and you finally just couldn't keep your eyes open. You went to sleep. L.J came into the room and saw you. "Mom feel asleep." L.J chcukled. "I can see that. I'm going to take her to the bed and you stay here with Candy pop ok?" Isabelle nodded while L.J picked you up bridal style and took you to bed.

Ticci Toby
You were feeding Jason and smiled everytime he cooed. It made you giggle. "Hey baby" He kissed you on the cheek. "And hello my young Killer." Jason cooed and giggled. You smiled then shook your head. "Baby, what's wrong?" You waved your head. "Nothing. Just tired that's all." He looked at you. "Why don't you go to bed. I can take care of Jason." You hesitated for a moment then went up to bed. You had a really amazing sleep, until Toby woke you up and asked how to put on a diaper.

You held Annabelle. Watching her blue eyes look over you. You smiled and she smiled to. She was already teething, and they were sharp teeth like Offender's. Since she had been teething she was awake all ours of the night. She finally went to sleep, you then gently put her down in her crib. You then went to bed and closed your eyes. You slept a good 5 minutes until she woke up crying. "Offender!"

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