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How You Met
All you heard was the rain. It poured down hard and it didn't seem like it was going to let up anytime soon. You were walking home from work and it was about 10 at night. It seemed errie out in the streets right now. There should be a lot of people walking around since you live in the city, but no body was out. You felt like someone was watching you. You turned around and there was someone there. You didn't turn or run like a normal person you slowly walked up to him. Your umbrella flew out of your hands. You tried to grab it but no use. "Damn." You said mumbling under your breath. You continued to walk to him. He had his head down leaning against a light pole. He had his trench coat collar pulled up and his fadora down. "Excuse me, do you need directions or something?" He looked away slighlty and said no. His voice was so deep, you just loved it. He turned his head slowly toward you. "What's your favorite color dear?" You said your favorite color. He then reached in his pocket and got (f/c) rose out of it. You gasped and he looked at you fully. You jumped back, seeing him fully now. "I will see you again, my dear." And with that he was gone. You looked around, no one was there. You shook your head and ran home.

You Meet Again
You woke up by your ring tone going off. It was (b/f/n). You answered and he/she said hello. You said hi back and they said to meet them at (favorite hangout place). You agreed and said I'll be down in an hour. You hung up and got off the bed. You put on skinny jeans and a t-shirt that had (favorite show) on it. You were about to go out your bedroom door when something grabbed your arm. You gasped when you saw it was a tendril and turned around. "Hello darling, I said I would see you again." You couldn't even speak. His voice was so warm and sweet sounding. He smirked and walked toward you. He ran a hand down your cheek, making you shiver. "You want to see me again, don't you?" You slowly said yes and smiled. He smiled back. He then whispered that you two were friends then teleported away. "What just happened..."

He Has Feelings for You (His P.O.V)
She isn't like the other girls I toy around with. I actually feel love when I'm with her. Her hair and her voice and her...her everything. If she goes with me, I swear that I will never look at another girl ever again.

When You Go On A Date/First Kiss
You and Offender were talking when you looked at the clock. You got up and went to the bathroom and got in the shower. Offender waited on your bed and looked out the window until you came back out in a tight dress. He eyed you up and down and smirked. "Not for you, you perv it's for my date." You giggled and smiled. His smile went away. "Date...when do you go on the date..." you looked at the clock. "In a few minutes." He sighed and got up. He put a both hands on your shoulder and you jumped slighlty. "Please don't go on this date." He purred on in your ear which made you weak. You then shook your head. "I-I can't just cancel." He chuckled. "Then I'll cancel for you. I rather have you in my life." You turned around and he kissed you. You melted into the kiss and smiled when he pulled away. He got on his knees and put his head on your stomach. "I want you to be with me. I won't ever look at any other girl instead of you. I promise. I'll respect you and love you forever." You smiled and nodded your head. He kissed you again then kissed your stomach.

He Takes You On A Date
You and Offender didn't really want to go to a big place for a date so you and him went to a bakery. You ordered a little piece of (favorite cake/cookie) and he ordered a brownie. You two flirted and kissed the whole night away.

He Meets You At School
You were sitting in class when you felt a tendril go up your leg. You jumped and looked around. He wasn't there and you shrugged. Then you felt it again, but when you looked up he was there sitting at your desk smiling. "Hello my darling." You smiled and said hi back. He helped with you the best he could with your work while everyone huddled in the corner of the room shaking.

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