When You Get Pregnant Again

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You gulped and paced in front of Slender and Alice. "What's wrong mommy?" Alice asked. She was almost 8 now. Slender looked at you. "Yes dear, what's wrong." You stopped and chuckled nervously. "What if I told you, Alice, if you were going to be a big sister." Alice tilted her head in confusion but Slender sat there in shock. He new what you were about to say. "Um...honey...are you trying to say um..." you nodded slowly. "What is going on I'm confused." Alice asked pulling on Slender's sleeve, but Slender just sat there staring at you. You smiled and. "Are you happy?" He just sat there for another second then a smile curved on his face. "Of course I am (y/n)." You laughed and he got up and hugged you leaving a very frustrated and confused Alice.

Jeff the Killer
"Hey Jeff, I need to talk to you." Jeff came in and sat down by you. "What's up babe?" You sighed and looked at him. "Jeff I'm just going out and say it. I'm preagnate again." Jeff's eyes widen. "Y-you are?" You shook your head yes. "I'm happy, I don't know about you or Issac." He smiled and hugged you tight then kissed you. "I'm happy, baby don't worry. And I bet Issac would love to be a big brother." You smiled and giggled.

"Am I really going to be a big brother!?" Nick yelled and smiled. You shook your head yes and giggled. "Dad! Dad! I'm going to be a big brother!" Nick ran to Ben telling him. At least you told Ben first that you were preagnate again.

Laughing Jack
Jack hugged you and spun you around while laughing. You two were going to be parents again. Isabelle found out and jumped for joy. She couldn't wait to be a big sister. She then went to L.Js carnival and got rid of all the poison candy then looked at L.J. "My little sister might grab those." L.J chuckled and you laughed knowing L.J spent forever making that candy.

Ticci Toby
You told Natasha, Toby, and Avery you were preagnate again. Well Toby and Natasha loved it, while Avery was pissed. "Avery why are you mad, you'll be a big bro!" Said Natasha. Avery looked at her. "Because I don't want a sticky little brother or sister, I already have you to deal with." After a while Avery calmed down and you and Toby had a long talk with him. He soon loved the idea of being a big brother.

"Hey dad, did you know mom's preagnate again." Aran said while Offender walked through the door with shock. "No I didn't know that." He said while looking at you. "I was going to tell you when you got back as a surprise." Aran chuckled and Offender shook his head. "Well I'm happy." Aran looked at Offender. "I'm going to be a big brother!" Offender chuckled and walked to you and gave you a kiss.

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