When You Meet Another Creepypasta

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You and Slender were at Slender Mansion in the living room watching (favorite TV show). You were sitting in Slender's lap. He kissed you on the neck. You blushed and looked at him and kissed him on the 'lips'. "Oh get a room." You two looked over to see someone in a white jacket with a smile carved in his face. "Go away Jeff. Your suppose to be killing anyway." Jeff shrugged his shoulders and looked at you. "So this is the girl you always talk about. Well, I have to say one thing you really are gorgeous, (y/n)." You smiled and said thank you. Slender glared at him. "Oh don't be jealous Slendy." Jeff chuckled. "Don't call me that.." "oh right only (y/n) can call you that." He chuckled and said nice meeting you and walked into the kitchen. "Are you really jealous..." Slender turned red and looked away. You giggled and kissed his cheek and said don't be. He kept looking away but you saw a smile form.

Jeff the Killer
You have been to Slender Mansion many of times. You knew your way like the back of your hand. You were meeting Jeff at the mansion. You felt someone follow you but you rubbed it off and kept walking. Then wonder got the best of you and you turned around and saw a guy standing right by a tree. He was wearing a cloth thing over his mouth. He had brown hair as well. You gulped and he smiled. He approached you and cupped your cheek. "You are really pretty." You were about to speak when Jeff appeared behind him. "Toby...you better get your hands off of her." He quickly turned around and chuckled. "Oh, she yours?" Jeff nodded and took my arm and walked you to the mansion, eyeing Toby's every move.

You and Ben were walking along in Slender Mansion when Slender, you were guessing, came out and told Ben about the job he had to do. Ben nodded his head and said yes sir. Slender looked at you. "Nice meeting you, (y/n). Ben talks a lot about you." He smiled then shut his door. "So you talk about me huh?" You smirked at him and he blushed. You giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

Laughing Jack
"Hello Sally. It's nice meeting you." Sally smiled and said hello. This was the first time of meeting Sally and you thought she was adorable. "You want to play with me?" She asked and you smiled. "I will some other time ok honey, but right now me and Jack are about to play ourselves." She giggled and ran off. L.J kissed you on the lips romantically. "You would be an amazing mother." You blushed and kissed him again.

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