Jeff the Killer's Wedding

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"You look so cute and adorable!" You chuckled at E.J. "Sorry E.J, I'm already taken." He rolled his eyes and smiled. He hugged you and you hugged back. Your long red poofed dress shinning bright. E.J was your friend ever since you came to the mansion and he was with tou every step of the way. Slender walked in and told you it was about time to start. You nodded and E.J smiled at you. "I'll be in the front row, ok?" You smiled and said ok. He walked out and you made sure everything was fine. On this hot summer were getting married, and you loved it. You got your (favorite Color) flower bouquet and opened the door. Masky was playing the piano and everyone stood. Jeff beamed at how beautiful you looked. You finally got up there and held the flowers tight. Slender stood in front you you guys and open the book. "Before I begin, is there anyone that wishes these two should not be wed? Speak now or forever let them hold there peace." Jeff glared at everyone in the room which made you giggle. Slender then started to speak and you looked at E.J. He gave you a thumbs up and a smile. You smiled back. "Do you, Jeff, take, (y/n), to be your lofty wedding wife, to have, to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do your part?" Jeff smiled big and said I do. Slender looked at me. "(Y/n), do you take Jeff, to be your lofty wedding husband. To have, to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" You nod and say I do. Slender smiled and closed the book. "Well, that means I pronounce you husband and wife. Jeff, you can kiss her now." Jeff laughed and dipped you, kissing you so amazingly. You giggled when he pulled apart while everyone cheered. You two walked down the Isle and went to the hill top to plan for the most romantic and fun honeymoon. ;)

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