Ticci Toby's Wedding

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You were checking your dress when someone came in and hugged you from behind. "Hey sexy." You smiled and blushed. "Toby, it's bad luck for people to see there wife before the marriage." He shrugged his shoulders. "I just wanted to kiss you here," He kissed your neck. "And here," He kissed your cheeks. "And here," He kissed your lips. "Yes Toby I get it." You smiled and giggled. It was about time for the wedding so Toby left and you waited another 3 three minutes. You walked around the corner and everyone awed at your dress. It was amazing. You got by Toby and Zanglo spoke. "Do you Toby take (y/n) to be your wedding wife?" Toby nodded and said I do. He looked at you. "Do you (y/n) take Toby to be your wedding husband?" You said I do. "You may kiss the bride Toby, I pronounce you two married." Toby removed his cloth and gave you a big kiss. Everyone cheered as you two ran down the Isle. You couldn't wait for your honeymoon.
(Sorry that was short :( )

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