Baby On the Way

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"So what's her name going to be?" You shrugged your shoulders while Alice rubbed your stomach feeling her sister kick. You were do to have the baby very soon. "Hmmmm, what about Kitten!" She smiled while you chuckled. "No, not for a name, but that can be Her nickname ok." Alice nodded happily. After a minute or two of trying to decide names and stuff you felt a pain. You groaned and held your stomach. "Shit...not now..." Alice looked at you confused. "Mommy, what's wrong?" You tried to get up but couldn't. "Go get Smiley ok. Hurry sweat heart." Alice nodded and ran to find him. Slender was gone and you were about to have your baby...just great.

Jeff the Killer
You and Jeff were sound asleep when you shot up from pain. You groaned and shook Jeff. "Jeff, the baby.." He shot up and got out of bed. He helped you stand and went to the hospital, which was Dr. Smiley. Issac came running out of the room smiling. "Is my brother or sister about to come?!" Jeff said yes and Issac jumped up and down.

"Ben!" You screamed for Ben while crouched down and groaning. Ben came running, knowing exactly what you needed. He got you up and walked you to Dr. Smiley. "I was winning! Wait till I win please." You looked back at Nick. "Nick, I can't I'm about to have the baby." Nick had a sad face. "Can't you hold it in for a little longer!" Ben took you to the room then came back and got Nick.

Laughing Jack
"Here you go." Isabelle held out a piece of candy and you took it. "Thank you, honey." You ate the piece of candy then held your stomach and screamed. "Oh no! Daddy you gave me your poison candy!" Isabelle yelled at L.J. L.J ignored her and got up. "Gum drop?" You looked at him. "We need to go now." He nodded and got you to the room, followed by Isabelle who still thought that L.J gave her the poison candy.

Ticci Toby
You and Toby were on the couch watching Natasha and Avery play. You then felt a little bit of pain, but excused it for the baby kicking. It got worse and worse though until you hunched over holding your stomach and groaned. Your water had broke. "Shitshitshit." Toby said while helping you up and going to the room, leaving Natasha and Avery confused.

"Dad! Mom's about to have the baby! She told me to run and tell you." Offender looked at him then teleported next to her. You were hunched over the bed. Offender grabbed you by a tendril and teleported you to Dr. Smiley.

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