When You Hear Him Sing

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You were walking through the woods when you heard a male voice. It sounded very...sweet and gentle. You walked up closer to it and gasped. It was slender. He was singing Centuries by Fall Out Boy. After he was done you clapped and smiled. He turned around and blushed. "(Y-y/n), wasn't expecting you till later...." you giggled and smiled. "Your voice is amazing hon." He gulped and looked down. "Nah, its nothing compared to yours." You blushed knowing that he heard you sing before.

Jeff the Killer
You were on the bed, covering your ears. Jeff was in the bathroom singing and it was awful. "My ears..." you mumbled. Then after a painful 3 minutes he finally stopped. You gave a sigh of relief. He walked put with a towel around his waist. "Hey babe, like what you see?" He smirked and your rolled your eyes. "Hey...I have a question for you." "Sure baby what's up?" You asked Jeff and he looked at you. "Do you want to hear me sing. I mean I ain't no artist or anything but I would love for you to hear me sing. You smiled weekly, not wanting to be rude you said sure. He smiled and started to sing.

"Hey ben, do you-" You stopped when you heard a wonderful voice. It was Ben. You never knew he could sing so good. He's voice never broke, and hit the vibrations of the song. You loved it. You wanted to hear more. Once Ben was done you came in and gave him a kiss. "Hey gamer girl." He smiled and you said sing more. "You were listening to me sing...?" You giggled and said yeah. He smiled and kissed you one more time and sang for you.

Laughing Jack
You tossed and turned all over the bed. You couldn't sleep at all. L.J woke up beside you and looked at you. "Sugar drop, what wrong." He stroked your hair and kissed your lips. "I can't sleep, I don't know why." He looked at you. "Want me to sing you to sleep?" You looked at him with a big smile. You loved when he sang for you. He smiled back and lied on his back with his arm wrapped around you. You lied your head on his chest and listened to him sing. It lulled you to sleep minutes after.

Ticci Toby
Toby loved to sing to you. He felt special when he sung to you. Even though his voice did crack....a lot...it still was very good singing. "Toby can you sing (favorite song), please." He smiled and nodded his head. He held on to you and sang his heart out. After he was done he looked at you and gave you a big kiss.

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