He Meets You at School

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You were outside on your lunch. You sat under a tree and watched everyone. You had no friends really. You didn't mind being alone that much, but sometimes you just wanted a friend. You looked down and started to get paper and pencil out when you felt someone rap your shoulder. You looked up. "Hi." He smiled. The guy was pretty cute. You thought he was a new student since he was talking to you. "Well...you look really gorgeous." You blushed and smiled. "Well thank you, but I already have a boyfriend." He sat down beside you and took your hand. "And he is a very happy man." He gave you a wink and you laughed realizing it was slender. You two talked the whole time during lunch and he went to all your classes to show people you were a great person to be with.

Jeff the Killer
You looked at your neighbors test and quickly copied as much as you could before getting caught. You saw you'd teacher look up and you looked back at your test quick. She didn't catch you that time but it was close. You heard tapping on the window and you looked over. You saw Jeff smile and wave. You waved back when you heard a loud pop on your desk. "Eyes on your own paper, (y/n)." You hated her, and you hated this class. You gulped and nodded then started to write again. You glanced outside again and saw Jeff glare at the teacher for snapping at you. Let's just say after that day no one heard of her again.

You were playing on your phone while walking in the hall. You had your headphones blazing in your ears. You walked outside and waited for your mom. She didn't get off work for a long while. Thank God your phone was charged. You started to get bored after a while and sighed. You saw someone feet and looked up. You smiled when you saw Ben. "Hey sexy." You giggled and waved. He sat down with you and held your hand. He kissed you a few times and kept you company till your mom got there. You didn't mind. You liked it when Ben was here.

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