Your Two Year Anniversary

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Yes, your two year anniversary is here. Slender had something very special planned. He said to dress nice and meet him at the cabin. You went shopping and got a black poofed dress that went past your knees. It had side straps and glimmer on it. After that you curled your (h/c) hair and put on a little bit of make up. After you were done you put on your heels/flats and started for the cabin. When you got there, you noticed candles glowing. You smiled and walked in and saw slender standing by the fire in his regular outfit. His eyes grew wide and you could tell he blushed a little. You blushed to and put some hair behind your ear. He walked up to you kissed your soft lips. "You look amazing." You blush and he takes you to the table. He gives you (favorite food) and told you how beautiful you are. You told him how sweet he is and stuff. After everything was done, slender sat by the fire and you sat in his lap. He kissed the top of your head and kept saying I love you. You looked at him and kissed him on the lips. "I love you too, Slendy." He blushed and cleared his throat. "Um, (y/n), I have a question." You looked at him. "What is it honey?" He looked at you and then pulled out a box. You gasped and jumped up, excepting what was about to happen. "Will you marry me, (y/n). You've made me the happiest man of my li-" you cut him off with a kiss and kept saying yes while having tears in your eyes. He smiled and hugged you. "I love you so much (y/n)." You cried and said I love you too.

Jeff the Killer
You and Jeff were going to the hill top to look over the city for your anniversary. You and Jeff finally got up to the top. The view was amazing. The lights shown bright and big. You and Jeff cuddled with each other under the stars. Jeff kept kissing you and holding you. He kissed your neck and bit on your sweet spot making you spill out a moan. You could feel him smirk on your skin and chuckle. You two looked at the city, how pretty it was. "Hey, (y/n), look closer I think I see something." You got up and looked closer at the lights. Your eyes went wide and gasped...covering your mouth. You turned around and saw Jeff with a ring in his hand. "Please say yes." You nodded your head yes and hugged him. He spun you around. You kissed over and over. You loved this day so much.

You were playing on your computer waiting for Ben. He said he would be there to pick you up at was now 8:30. You began to tear up when your computer started to static. It quit youtube and spelled something out. You said the letters out loud and gasped. It said "Will you marry me?" "Well...will you..." there was Ben, behind you, with a ring in his hand while smiling. "Oh yes Ben yes!" You hugged him and he put the ring on your finger. You kissed him and started to cry happy tears.

Laughing Jack
You and Jack were at his carnival. Not a really great place to go for your two year anniversary but at least he remembered. He wanted to go to this one stand where you popped balloons..but you didn't really want to go there. Last time you went over there, Ben jumped out and scared the hell out of you. Finally after he begged you gave in. He popped the balloons and he got you a giant bear. "Squeeze's soft and fluffy." You gave it a tight hug and went wide eyed at the message. "I love you...please marry me." You looked at L.J who got the bear and cut it open to revel a 14 carrot ring. You gasped and started to cry. "Oh...I didn't mean to upset you...I just-" you cut him off with a kiss. "Yes L.J! Many times yes." You were crying now and he grabbed your head and kissed you over and over.

Ticci Toby
Toby was acting weird, but you shrugged it off. You came downstairs to see him making you waffles. You sat down and waited for him to bring you the plate. "Happy two year anniversary, baby." He took a sip of his drink while you cut open the waffle. You stopped and jumped up and covered your mouth with your left hand and pointed with your right hand. "There's...there's a r-ring.." you started to water and looked at Toby who was smiling. "Oh Toby!" You hugged him and he chuckled and hugged you back. Best morning ever.

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