Ticci Toby :)

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How You Met
You were walking in the woods. It was a cool calm day, the clouds rolled over the sun and the breeze was amazing. You pulled your hair out of your face everytime the wind knocked it back. You felt like someone was watching you but you shrugged it off and continued on. You were walking to the lake when you heard and twig break. You turned around and saw a guy standing there. He had some type of goggles pulled up on his forehead and a cloth thing over his mouth. He had brown hair and looked about your age. He was handsome to you and you smiled and waved. He just stared at you and did nothing. You finally just came out and asked a question. "Do you..um...need anything?" He looked down then back up at you and shook his head and walked off. You sighed and turned around to follow him but he was already gone.

You Meet Again
You were about to go in the woods again. You took your phone and put on some (favorite band name) and listened to it. While you were walking you saw the same guy. He was talking to someone, mostly yelling. You couldn't see the other person though because a bunch of trees blocked the view. You could tell he was tall though because the guy had to look up at him. You stepped foward, causing a twig to snap. The guy looked right at you. His cloth was away from his mouth this time. He put the cloth back on and glared at the person who he was talking to. "Hello...if I may ask what is your name?" The guy looked at you and walked foward. "My names Toby. And you might want to get out of here..." you looked confused and asked why. "I just..." He looked behind him then came at little closer to your ear. "I don't want a pretty girl like you get hurt." You got chills from his breath and blushed. "I will see you again though...just not here." He gave you a wink and turned around. You sighed and smiled.

He Has Feelings for You (his pov)
I've seen (y/n) every day now. I can't get rid of her from my head. She is so beautiful. Slender is mad at me for not killing one of his prey like a proxie should but...I'm in love...

When You Go On a Date/First Kiss
You and Toby were talking and laughing when the doorbell rang. "Hello (y/n), ready to go?" Your date said holding his phone in his hand not looking up. "Yeah, bye Toby, see you later." He waved but his stomach turned to knots. He followed you guys around to make sure this guy doesn't do anything. He got irritation when the guy never looked at her nor talked to her since he was on his phone. "Isn't that funny! I just love that show. It makes me laugh all the time." All he was yeah. You looked down. Toby didn't like to see you sad he loved your smile and laugh better. He finally went up to the guy and took his phone snd chunked it, breaking it to pieces. "What the hell was that for man?!" Toby looked at him. "This girl should get all the attention instead of that damn phone. She's beautiful, funny, sweet, her smiles perfect and so is her laugh...she deserves way better." The guy rolled his eyes. You smiled at Toby and took his hand. "Come here." You led him outside. You looked at him and smiled, your eyes sparkling like never before. You put a hand behind his neck and pulled him in for and romantic kiss. He blushed and kissed you back. You pulled apart and smiled. "I-I-I..." you giggled. "I love you too Toby."

He Takes You Out On A Date
He took you to a dance. It was amazing. It had your favorite music on. Then the song Bang Bang by Jessie J. Nikki Minaj and Ariana Grande (love this song XD). You loved this song and jammed out to it. Toby chuckled at your dancing and took your hand and danced crazy like you. You guys were the life of the party.

He Meets You At School
You were taking a test when Toby barged in and took your hand and led you out the classroom and took you to (your favorite hangour place). next day you got in trouble for walking out of class. :/

When You Try To Bake
You and Toby wanted to make waffles. Let's just say it was a mess because neither of you guys new how to cook. Batter went everywhere, waffles got burnt...just horrible...so you went to by some toaster waffles.

When You Meet Another Creepypasta
You were walking along the woods waiting for Toby. "Hey baby." You felt someone hug your from behind and kiss you. You blushed and said hi back. You turned around and saw another person there. "Oh, (y/n), this is E.J. He is another one of Slender's proxies. Like me." You waved at E.J and smiled. He waved back and said hi. You three hung out all day. E.J was pretty funny...until he asked for one of your kidneys...

When He Catches You Dancing
You wanted to act crazy today...so you did. You cracked your music up loud and danced like an idiot. Toby watched you outside your window (stalker much..lol) and chuckled. "I love her so much."

When You Move In (his pov)
"(Y/n), (y/n), (y/n)..." you looked at Toby. "Toby it's 3:00 in the morning what d-" "Move in with me...please." Your eyes grew wide and giggled. "Yeah sure, why not." He screamed yes and hugged you tight and kissed you over and over again.

When You Try To Get His Attention
"Tooooby." He looked at you. You was only in a shirt and underware. His eyes grew wide and gulped. He blushed also which made you giggle. "Now I got your attention, huh." He walked toward you and kissed you. "I love you so much, baby." You giggled and kissed him back.

Nickname He Gives You
He calls you Teddy Bear, Golden one, Sweetums, Baby

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