Laughing Jacks Wedding

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"Maybe, Paris or California." Jeff chuckled at you. "You aren't even married yet and you are already planning the honeymoon." You looked at him through the mirror. "You have to plan these things you know. You can't just do everything right then and there." "That's what I do." You looked at him and rolled your eyes. "Your so stupid." You both laughed. You looked at your dark purple dress and smiled. "Hey Jeff." Jeff looked at you and said yeah. "What did you think about me when you first saw me? I mean like did you honestly think we were going to be friends?" He laughed and shook his head no. "I honestly thought you were a snob and we weren't going to be friends, until I-" "Five minutes before the wedding." Hoodie interrupted Jeff. You nodded and told Jeff to shoo. He smiled and went to go sit down. You heard the piano play and walked down the Isle. L.J was smiling at you, tears going down his eyes. You smiled back at him and looked around. 'Everyone is standing for me...for us.' You thought over and over. You got beside him and he put an arm around your waist. Zanglo opened the book and spoke. "Is there anyone who diaproves of this marrige? Speak now or forever let them hold there peace." Everyone looked around the room while L.J looked to make sure. Hoodie and Masky smiled at us and Jeff had tears growing in his eyes. Everyone smiled in my new creepypasta family. I got chills when Offender eyed me up and down. "Do you L.J take (y/n) to be your wedding wife. To love, and to hold?" He smiled his toothy grin and said I do. "Do you (y/n) take L.J to be your wedding husband. To love and to hold?" You started to tear and smile and say I do. Zanglo smiled and said you may kiss the bride. L.J turned to you and put his hands on your cheeks and gave you a romantic kiss. Everyone cheered and yelled. This was the best day ever. Now for the honeymoon day ;).

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