Your Scared of Telling Him

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Well, tour instinct was were preagnate. You were scared telling slender because what if he didn't want to have a child yet. You held the test tightly in your hand and softly cried. "Dove, why are you crying..." Slender asked and you quickly wiped your tears and threw the test away. You got up and shrugged. "Period I guess..." He chuckled and kissed you on the forehead.

Jeff the Killer
"Babe, why are you being so quiet. Did I hurt your feelings?" You shook your head no. You didn't want to tell him anything. Thank god he couldn't read minds because all your were thinking about was the baby. "Hey (y/n), how are you." Slender walked in and you tensed up. 'Don't think about the baby...shit...just thought about the baby...oh just did it again...dammit.' slender looked at you shocked. He smiled then walked out. "Well that was weird." You nervous chuckled at Jeff then walked out.

You and Ben were playing a game, but you weren't to much into it. You were preagnate and you were scared to tell him. 'What If he leaves me...what If he kills me...' all day you thought of those thoughts. "(Y/n), are you ok..." you snapped back into reality and nodded. "Yeah I'm ok."

Laughing Jack
Candy...candy seemed to drown your nervousness and you were eating loads of it. "Sweetheart..what is wrong. You've been acting weird all day." You looked at L.J and shook your head. "Nothing, I just want candy that's all." L.J sighed and hugged you. You two cuddled and fed each other candy.

Ticci Toby
You weren't even eating your waffles Toby made you, you were just picking at it. "(Y/n), what's wrong...your not even eating your breakfast I made you." He scooted closer to you. "Nothing Toby, I'm not really hungry that's all." Toby put his arms around you and kissed your cheeks.

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