When The Baby Kicks

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You screamed as loud as you can while on the floor holding your stomach. You were 8 months preagnate now and you were ready to get it out because it was a kicker. "My love what's wrong!?" Slender came running in. You scrambled to get up and looked at him. Your hair was a mess and you had bags under your eyes from lack of sleep. "Your child is a Damn kicker! That's what's wrong! I swear it has tendrils!" He chuckled then picked you up and held you until you finally went to sleep.

Jeff the Killer
"You are a kicker!" You screamed at nothingness while Jeff walked in confused. "Who's a kicker babe?" You looked at Jeff. "Our child! I swear you made it where it has a knife in there!" Jeff laughed and then said sorry for laughing and cuddled with you.

You were playing C.O.D online when you gave out a groan. "Awww is someone girl on there period?" "Watch out for aunt flow!" They all laughed and you got angry. "Listen you fools I'm preagnate and if you make another period joke I will find you and will kill you!" They all shut up after that.

Laughing Jack
It felt like whenever you stopped eating candy the child would kick like hell. You kept eating candy all the time. It got to the point where you just threw it all up. L.J held your hair and kissed your head. "Dear why did you eat all that candy anyway?" You threw up again and looked at him. "Because it feels like everytime I stop eating candy the child ki-" you didn't get to finish because your threw up again but he understood what you were saying.

Ticci Toby
You didn't feel like eating because all your baby did was kick and kick and kick. The pain was getting to you until you finally just let it out with a scream. You didn't like the way your baby kicked and Toby didn't like how you screamed in pain. He patted your belly and held you to calm you down.

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