Chapter 2: The Ink And Paint Club

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It's already nighttime now, and you make your way down to The Ink and Paint club.

You are in the alleyway looking at the door before knocking on it.

A pair of eyes peek through the peephole in the door and say "what's the password?"

"Walt," you say looking off to the side to see if there is anyone around you.

The door opened and standing there is a large toon Gorilla wearing a suit. You walk in making your way to the main hall of the club.

There are penguins wearing suits giving people their drinks and taking orders, while there is a show between Donald duck and Daffy duck more like their fighting while playing pianos on the main stage.

"Well-Well if it isn't the famous Y/N" you hear beside you which causes you to roll your eyes before turning to see Merlin Acme.

"Merlin hello there it's been so long," you say faking a smile as best you can.

"yeah way too long now Y/N come on now give me a hug," Merlin says smiling ear to ear to you holding out her arms to you.

You are reluctant to accept her hug only to feel an electric shock hit your shoulder which you quickly push her away.

"Oh damn it Merlin why you had to do that?" you say in a slappy way which causes Merlin to laugh a bit at her prank on you.

"oh please Y/N I am sorry here," she said holding a flower to your face now which squirts out some black ink onto your clothes now.

You quickly grab Merlin by her hair and she starts to say quickly before you can punch her, "See look-Look it's gone"

You look down and see the ink is indeed gone and you reply, "It is gone"

"see it was invisible ink, I gotcha good now didn't I Y/N?" Merlin says laughing before she goes off to find another person to prank.

Guess it is true, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

You sit down and hear, "Y/N is that you?"

You turned to see a black-and-white boyish character standing there with his chunky cheeks.

"Billy Boop, is that you what are you doing here?" you say in shock.

Billy Boops looks down in a bit of sadness before saying, "You know ever since they started to make cartoons in Color popular, we toons in black and white had to find jobs somewhere else"

"Oh geez Billy, I am so sorry," you say now sad.

"oh don't be, as you can see I am doing just fine 'cause I still have it," Billy says moving his hips around in a sassy way.

You look over and see that both Daffy and Donald are being pulled off the stage by hooked canes, and the curtains started to close meaning they are finished with their show. The club lights turn off and the woman started to holler.

"what's going on?" you ask Billy.

"Oh you know when He comes onto the stage the woman all love him," Billy says a bit bitterly.

"he as in Jesse Rabbit?" you asked.

"yeah him, he is so popular even Merlin Acme doesn't miss a show for him," Billy says looking now at you.

"doesn't he looks like a rabbit?" you ask in confusion since you never have seen Jesse Rabbit before.

"Just because he married a rabbit doesn't make him one at least looks wise, maybe in the bedroom he can act like one since you know," Billy says disappointed at you.

"he is a dirty cheater, wow yet you sound so upset," you ask in confusion.

With this, the audience is silent and waiting for the show to start.

One glove hand comes out from behind the curtain and starts singing.

Came out of the stage a Toon man who was breathlessly beautiful. He has Long red hair, pouty lips with lazy eyes that was the color green. He was wearing an open chest button suit made of glitter fragments with a purple under vast to tease the audience his the fact he has a bit of muscle mass under that suit that forms his body perfectly. He was tall around maybe 6"2 ft, but you can't tell since he was on stage.

Your mouth hanged opened before finally saying "that's Jesse Rabbit?!?"

"yes it is," Billy says almost a bit disappointed and laughing at seeing your reactions to now seeing Jesse Rabbit.

"Wow, How did Roga get married to him," you say in disbelief.

"Yeah ain't he a lucky guy," Billy says turning around in a bitter matter.

'Is Billy jealous of Jesse?' you think to yourself before quickly watching the show again.

Jesse is now coming down from the stage singing as he is now flirting with the woman in the audience by blowing a few kisses here and there while he gently touches the woman's hands with kisses. He is walking in a way where it's clear he dominates the rooms but in a way, it's also sexy.

You started to think 'dang I gotta talk to Roga and see how she got this fine man' but then you blush when his eyes meet you.

You turned away in a blushing mess, "damn it" you said.

Then you feel someone pulling you up by your hand which causes you to look at who did it. It was Jesse who did which causes you to pull your hand away.

With a shocked face, he had first but quickly changes it to his normal flirty one holding your chin while singing "Get out of here, I have money for you too" into your ear before moving on.

You fall onto your chair giggling a bit before quickly stopping.

"No I cannot let myself get out of hand now, I am here for a job one of which I will not let that cheater have me around that finger of his," you say under your breath getting up quickly and making your way to the bar.

"one orange juice please," you asked while placing a nickel on the table for the server to give you a drink.

You drink it up and turn to see that Jesse is now flirting with Merlin Acme where you turn around feeling a bit jealous now of her.

You leave the club for fresh air.

"We are here for one thing and that's to get this pay now," you say looking up at the sky in the cold air of the night to cool yourself off.

You look over and see that there is a window almost opened with no curtains you look inside to see that now Merlin and Jesse are in there with each other.

"Jesse Come here please," Merlin says sitting on the bed.

"oh, Merlin I will be there in a bit," Jesse says walking to the window where you quickly drop down to hide.

"damn that was a close one," you say in a low voice but you think to yourself why are the two of them in the same room with each other. You slowly look up making sure Jesse can't see you and watch what's happening.

"Ohhh please Jesse I can't wait to play Pattycake with you now, come on," Merlin says in a poorly begging tone which causes Jesse to sign before walking there.

"got you now," you say in a low voice.

You pulled out your camera and started to take photos of this game of Pattycake that Merlin and Jesse are playing to take to show your boss later.


Author notes:

I painted the artwork in this chapter and hope you like it.

Thank you for reading.

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