Chapter 20: intrusive thoughts

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"Hey, Jesse Wait a minute," You say Pulling Jesse by his shoulder when he tried to walk away a few minutes to him seeing you and Billy together in the café.

"ha- funny how you switch to a sweet puppy dog of a boy," Jesse says looking behind you where you turn to see Billy following behind the both of you but are a bit out of breath.

"J-Jesse, listen Me and Y/N are just friends, plus you know very well I have a Girlfriend," Billy says standing straight now.

"I forgot you were dating Himbo in the first place Billy...." you say.

"I mean I was created as her Boyfriend for her show which came out first before mines, so of course we would be together- heck we have people also nowadays thinking Imma human toon when I am a French Poodle Dog Toon, like Hello?" Billy says trying to be perky a bit.

"Funny how you say that Billy yet you and I are both Toon sex Symbols with the looks to pull any girl off the street toon or not, and yet your telling me you and Y/N here wasn't on a date?" Jesse says with sarcasm.

You feel anger so you opened your mouth to say "Not everyone goes around cheating on their partners even for money like you do Jesse so stop that ugly ass Jealous Expression on your face and go look in a mirror yourself before you go around judging others cause of what you're doing"

Grabbing Billy by his Cloat collar you pulled him off not trying to stick around to hear the bullshit Jesse is about to go off saying.

A few minutes go by and looking off to the side with Billy in front of you inside the Café, you can see in the corner of the eye that Billy has clear Toon sweat drops coming from him.

You sign saying "You should be fine"

"I am not worried about me, I am worried about you Y/N," Billy says sleepish.

"with what?" You asked now curious.

"does he-you know- always acted that way?" Billy asked sounding worried.

"no not always, if anything this was the first time he was jealous but I don't know for what," you say crossing your arms and laying back in your seat.

"guess he likes you," Billy says shocked.

"enough about Jesse, You're a Dog Toon?" You say now sitting up shocked.

"Ahhh yeah, It's cause Himbo is a Dog toon, I was also made to her boyfriend as a Dog as well, but for some reason, I became more popular than her and got my show so the animators went and made me more 'human' looking as they thought I will be more marketable that way. But I am still very much a dog, and before you ask no I do not race like black or white, just a breed of dog I am like again a French Poodle dog is what I am" Billy went into explaining.

"Well I be damned," you say in shock.

You guys just talk into it gets dark, where both you and Billy say your goodbyes as you took the last bus to go home.

As you walk into your apartment unit going up the stairs and you see that Jesse is standing in front of your apartment door.

"Y/N you took long," Jesse says upon seeing you.

"I see you aren't sorry," you say rolling your eyes.

"We need to talk," Jesse says.

"About what? How you were jealous and-"

"a strange man was wearing a black long jacket, holding a cane with that weasel mafia gang talking about you earlier in the day," Jesse says cutting you off.

You look at him now shocked and simply say "Let's talk about this inside" You say opening your door to the apartment and walking inside with both you and Jesse.

You take off your coat place it on the rack and sit down on your couch. Jesse does the same and sits right next to you.

"please explain and don't miss any detail about how did you gain this information," You say in your business tone.

"for starters, I came across this information while having a smoke at a toon studio, cause the daughter of that studio wanted me to serve at her party she had" Jesse started to say which caused your eyebrow to raise a bit.

"Go on," you say almost a bit sounding bitter.

"hmm jealously doesn't look cute on you," Jesse says sounding Petty.

You rolled your eyes before saying "And what happened next?"

Jesse signed but with a smirk on his face before saying "I saw the weasels doing something off, while outside smoking, and next thing, I was following them, so don't worry they didn't see me, where after a while watching them the odd man came, asking about updates on Roga and Eddie. The weasels say they didn't know anything yet, he hit some of them too, meaning he is the one leading the guys. Next thing he asked the weasels if following you was also giving out anything for Roga and Eddie, but not of yet. But they were carrying out some barrels filled with something seems like they are planning something."

"Barrels filled with something, could it be that fluid that Judge Doom used to kill that one Toon?" you say thinking.

"so that's the Judge Doom everyone was talking about huh?" Jesse says.

"yes, but he has people following me," you say as a statement as you don't seem shocked that he did as you expected this to happen as he knows that you were most likely the person to know what happened with Roga and Eddie.

As you think about what Judge Doom may be planning you feel fingertips brushing your face causing you to jump back a bit looking at Jesse who pulled his hand away a bit.

"Sorry you had a string of hair that fell loose," Jesse says almost embarrassed of what happened.

"Oh, I see," you say brushing the hair back into place.

But for some reason you then let your intrusive thoughts win, and you get up then sitting on Jesse's lap facing him.

"Y/N what-" Jesse was starting to say but you say "Shhh" cupping your hands around his face.

Using your fingertips you gently stroke his bottom lip leaning in closer to him and giving him a gentle kiss. You feel his hands trailing to your thighs, hips, back and to your neck pushing you closer to kiss him. Deepen the kiss you slide your tongue in your mouth and slowly move it around with his.

Pulling away with your head resting onto his, forehead to forehead, looking at Jesse with a bit of a smile you say "The hell you have to cause me to want you so badly Jesse?"

Jesse gives a small laugh before saying "I should say the same with you now Y/N, cause Fuck I want you so much too"

"my bedroom over there," you say pointing at the door behind you with a smile.

"oh lucky me," Jesse says picking you up in his arms going to your room, and placing you on the bed.

The next thing you are blushing with a large grin as Jesse takes off his shirt coming onto the bed lifting your chin with his right hand.

"say, can I not wear a rubber tonight?" Jesse says which leaves you breathless.

"I was thinking to sleep in your arms clothes on tonight but I don't mind nude," you say almost out of breath.

The next thing is Jesse is pushing you down in the bed kissing you.

Author notes:

I know that people will argue about the Topic of Betty Boop being a Human or not, and who was based but as I look into her background with how she was made and such for Billy Boop here, I went into using the statements from the designers and such as what she was. I don't want to cause any arguments in this chapter with who she was based on and such, as I am only adding what she is.

Himbo is a play on words funny since Betty Boop's Boyfriend was named Bimbo, so I just turn the name Bimbo to Himbo as a bit of a joke for it to match up the idea to switch the gender of Bimbo for this story as well.

The next chapter gonna be a lemon one, heads up here before I get people some shocked reactions. (I get updates for y'all adding this story to y'all list and I can say I am impressed by y'all having such taste)

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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