Chapter 7: Trapped Into A Corner

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As Jesse is now with you against the desk corner you are there with a mixture of different kinds of emotions.

"J-Jesse I don't think that this is a good idea now," You say placing your hands on his firm chest pushing space between the both of y'all.

'damn he is strong, but also has a nice feeling chest' you think to yourself blushing deeply.

"you weren't saying that when you giggled twirling that damn hair of yours during the night you came to the club now did you?" Jesse says looking down at you.

"H-Hey I wasn't actually into that," you say as a lie, but you will not let him let the feeling like he is winning.

"is that so," Jesse says pushing your chin up with his hand and having your face get closer to his.

"I figured you were mad at me?" You asked nervously.

"what do you think?" Jesse says coldly to you.

"Jesse Listen I am sorry for taking those photos of you with Merlin sleeping with each other and showing them to your wife But it was my job and as you say it I also have to put a roof over my head and food in my stomach," you say quickly.

"Too late for Sorry, if you tell me where Roga is at I will let you go now hun," Jesse says to you.

"I said I don't know," You said lying but Roga doesn't want Jesse to get involved in this anymore so you are trying to respect her words.

"fine if that's how it's gonna be," Jesse says with a devilish smirk pulling your face closer to his.

As a reaction, you kicked Jesse in between his thighs which caused him out of pain, and let you go and drop to the floor.

You jolted back a few feet looking at him.

"F*** that hurt," Jesse says with the F word being censored toon styled.

"haha sorry," You say slightly smiling.

"sorry huh?" Jesse says standing up now clearly pissed off.

You forgot that Toons can recover from pain far quicker than humans and with that, you run around the desk putting space between you and Jesse.

"hey let's talk about this Jesse," You say a bit shaken but honestly kinda turned on by how good he looks while being angry.

"talk huh? About what exactly are you ruining my relationship? Or how you showing my wife those photos are now causing her to be looked into by cops because of Merlin's murder? Or how you kicked me in my groin area?" Jesse says standing on the other side of the desk looking at you as if to wait for you to lower your guard.

You slightly move to the left side and Jesse slightly moves with you.

"Hey now don't blame me for you cheating on your wife now, and she needed to know of how a piece of crap you were, but I am sorry for kicking you in your small manhood of an area," You say now pissed.

"oh trust me your no better cause push came to it you would love to have me strip you naked and have fun with you with my manhood which isn't small to your information," Jesse says in response to you also pissed off.

You had half a brain cell to say 'prove it to me' but chooses not to.

"damn I guess what Billy Boop said was right, You are lucky to get with Roga 'cause other than your looks you're a piece of crap," You say.

"You take that back now," Jesse says in a tone that was now cold but pissed.

"I will not how about you make me," You say cocky pissed but then regretted it as Jesse starts to smile at you.

All you heard Jesse say was "Bet" before jumping onto the top to run to you.

You went running to the door and by some grace of a higher up make it out the office door running down the stairs.

"Oh, Shit I fucked up," You say running down the stairs and looking back to see that Jesse is chasing after you.

Like in some cartoon scene, your eyes went wide seeing Jesse getting faster which caused you to run even faster.

Outside the apartments, you kept running almost running into people but know that Jesse was beside you.

When the tolly started to drive near you you reached out to grab the outside handle and managed to get onto the Trolly.

As the Trolly was faster than Jesse running you looked back at him and gave him a stick tongue-out movement with the middle finger.

Jesse sure does look pissed off as he started to stop running after the Trolly.

As you sat down resting easy you think to yourself of what the hell you even see in that sorry excuse of a Toon.

After an hour of riding on the Trolly, you find yourself now in front of the Pacific Electric Red Car Trolley Terminal Bar. 

"Damn Eddie better be having better luck than me," You say trying while walking into the bar.

There you see Dolores who looks at you and then looks off to the bar's secret storage room.

You nodded and started to walk there and opened it to see that Eddie and Roga have been still trying to get the handcuffs off.

"Oh Y/N" Roga says happily.

Oddly Eddie doesn't look too mad at Roga now weird.

"let me guess y'all became friends," asked looking at the two of them.

"Yeah sure something like that" You see Eddie say turning his head which shows the kiss silently left on his neck.

Looking at Roga you see her lipstick has been messed up a bit on her lips and with some sick joke you put two and two together.

"Eddie turns to look at me," You say walking closer to them.

Eddie at first didn't turn to you but ended up doing so.

There you see lip stick matching Roga's color on Eddie's lips placed there more than once too, as well to his neck and cheek.

"Oh no," You say slapping your forehead.

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