Chapter 19: a Cigarette

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*To my lovely Readers this chapter is told from Jesse's point of view (as requested through my Dms with Twitter, which y'all can do lol) to know what he is thinking inside that head of his. Hope y'all like this kinda thing*

Ok before you get upset I should state what occur after Y/N had what felt like dumping me.

Sure we weren't together, by no means, and sure we didn't know each other well enough yet for some reason I felt attracted to her, unlike anyone that came my way. I don't know if it was her strong personality, her pretty smile, or that annoying yet at the same time-addicting touch of her lips every time they came into contact with me felt as if I was drinking the finest of alcohol that I ever had tasted before.

I thought she would come around after breaking things off with us after a day or two, but after a week she knocked my confidence down. The 2nd week when she never came it may as well hit rock bottom yet that would count as an understatement.

"Oh Jesse-Poki, why do you look so sad?" this random I can only guess fangirl of mine said to me as she is trying to wrap her arm around her.

"Oh not my dear Bun-bun is upset over something," another girl says as she tries to move her way onto my lap.

I quickly get up before she does more because I don't want anyone to take Y/N's seat, maybe out of being prideful or rather cause I want only her to seat on me as she pleases.

"Sorry Ladies Your Playboy bunny here is gonna go off and take a smoke now outside so that the both of you cuties don't reek of cigs," I said to these girls who both are looking at me with disappointment but I can't blame them.

I am also disappointed in myself of let, my singing has been to best put it in words being straight up ass of late, where even Bongo the Gorilla can tell something is off. As I walk to near the outside area, the daylight almost blinded me since it has been some time since I have been outside and I used my hand to shade my eyes. After a while my eyes adjust to the sunlight, I move my hand to my pants pockets to take a box of cigarettes that has my 4 cigarettes and flipped the lighter. Taking out one cigarette and my lighter I places the cigarette box back into my pocket places a cigarette on my lips and cover with my hand the flame to the lighter so that the wind doesn't blow it away lighting my cigarette and placing the lighter into the pocket again taking a puff of the air tasting the what best to say smokey sweet coming off this stick that I know isn't best for me.

taking the cigarette from my lips and looking at it while blowing out smoke from my mouth I say "I guess you and this cigarette aren't much different from each other now huh, Y/N"

As I am about to take another puff something moving catches from the corner of my eye, causing me to instinctively look over what it was. Where I am currently is in an office for supplies of major toon prompts and film equipment, not by choice of course, but rather because I was called to come here by one of the wealthy daughters of a bigshot whose name I really don't care for just the money is why I came. She begged her father to have me out of all men to come and be her little show-off boy toys to her friends who I just left inside.

I am seeing a few similar toon weasels who are quickly trying to run off to do something. They looked too suspicious so I flicked my cigarette off to the side, and slowly make my way to see what they were doing. keeping my body close to the wall keeping from their sight, for a few minutes the two dumbasses are fighting each other with their normal toon things, but the next a truck come with yelling that almost shocks me out of my hiding place.

"THE HELL ARE YOU BOTH DOING?!?" A human man says, harshly slamming down his cane to the toons.

The toon quickly stands up and says their sorry statements to the human, making him the clear boss. something about him puts me off as I watch the toons now pushing more barrels off the truck the human came out of.

"any information about Roga Rabbit you toons found yet?" The human asked the toons where the one in the straitjacket starts to laugh. The human clearly not liking this hits the poor toon over his head causing visible starts to form about his head as he is in a dizzy state.

'More importantly, what the hell do they want with Roga?' I think to myself still eavesdropping.

"Nothing yet boss," one weasel said.

"And anything with following Y/N?" The human asks looking off to the truck maybe to look at the barrels.

"she has yet to take us to where Roga is at, maybe cause she isn't involved," a weasel said.

"idiots, I doubt that she doesn't know anything given she was close to Eddie," The man said turning his back and slowly walking into the truck.

with a twisted smile, the man then says "No need after all we just need to get rid of Mr. Maroon, in order to gain the deed for toon town in order for our plan to go into fruition and we get that highway built onto that poor excuse of a town"

'The hell does that means' I think to myself quickly making my way into an opened doorway out of the view that the human is driving towards.

"Shit I have to talk to Y/N, quickly about this," I said walking to the other side of the building I am currently in, which places me in front of a local coffee shop. I was about to go to the bus stop but then I see Y/N walking out of the coffee shop, yet my gut drops when she is walking out with the maybe 2nd best heartthrob sex iconic Billy Boop. For some reason, I can't help but feel jealous, since it's clear that has to be it with my jaw clenched this hard. Y/N and Billy are talking, yet from the way they are interacting.

I walk across the street when I see cars stopping at the light, sitting down at the table in front of their's maybe Y/N will stop when she sees me, but I get even more pissed off when I sat down hearing Y/N says to Billy "Billy as handsome as you are-" I can't hear the rest of the statement since Y/N said it herself she finds Billy handsome.

As I look away pissed off clearly I hear the words "JESSE!" which snaps me out of my pissed cloud, but I am still pissed, looking at Y/N's shocked face.

forcing myself to not yell I said with a smile threw my bare teeth trying not to sound that angry "Y/N we need to talk"

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