Chapter 8: Looks Like Jesse Isnt The Only Player

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As you stand there mixed in feeling angry, confused, and also shocked you are thinking about what to say to both Roga and Eddie.

"So Eddie why are there kiss marks on your face and neck?" you asked looking at Eddie now.

Eddie looks away as if he knows he was caught going something bad.

"It's not what it looks like Y/N" Roga finally says looking up at you with her blue eyes.

"oh then do tell me why is your lipstick all mess up and all over Eddie?" you asked Roga now with a bit Venom.

Both are now since.

"I guess the real fool is me," you say turning again to look at the door.

"Y/N wait" you heard Eddie says which causes you to again turn to the both of them.

"you have 10 minutes to explain yall-selfs," you say standing there crossing your arms to the both of them.

"yes we was kissing, and that's not an excuse," Eddie says quickly looking at you.

"why does it feel like this isn't the first time this happened?" you say more as a statement rather than a question.

"Well, it's not," Eddie says truthfully.

"so you someone who claimed to have a large hate for Toons have been hooking up with one for some time?" you say looking between both Roga and Eddie.

"correct," Eddie says shamefully.

"so the reason why you sent me to the job is that you knew it will be a break in a contract?" you asked now feeling angry.

"Correct" Eddie again says.

"Why?" You now asked.

"Well, you see Roga knew Jesse was cheating on her and she at first came to me but one thing lead to another and we also have been creeping beside Jesse's back. Roger couldn't have done the murder because she was with me that night feeling hurt but more emaberrsed about her husband and we talked about her getting a divorce and then me and her finally getting together" Eddie explained.

"Then why the hell you didn't explain this to me, Eddie I am your partner," you say now upset.

"well it's something both me and Roga wanted to keep secret since people will start to go after and hurt Roga so it was more believable if we pretend to hate each other in public rather than come clean," Eddie says.

Eddie has a point because humans and Toons aren't to ever be with each other due to a lot of factors at play, it's something you want to keep under wraps as a secret but people know that there are toons and humans together not open.

"oh Dolores, she is gonna be broken," You say now worried about Dolores who you know to have a large crush on Eddie.

"Dolores, why is she gonna be broken?" Eddie asked now Confused.

You look at Eddie with a This stupid man face before saying "Eddie Dolores has a crush on you and one that has been around for a long time"

With that Eddie looks both Shocked and also sad before saying "Oh shit I know she going to be upset now"

"See I told you she did," Roga says looking at Eddie with an I told you so face.

Eddie smiles but is rolling his eyes at Roga.

"Now my question to Roga, when were you gonna plan to divorce Jesse?" you ask Roga still pissed.

"Oh- well soon especially given now Mr. Maroon says for my image it's the best time so I and Eddie made the plan on how to go about it. But then a murder happened so I had to hide in Eddie's house until you found me and we both had to pretend I seek in their sorry" Roga then explained.

"Roga, you should know Jesse is looking for you," You say which caused Roga to jolt up in shock.

"wait he is, how do you know this?" Roga asked you.

"Jesse came into the office and asked me where you were at saying he knows you must have been just there," you say saying in the basic explanation as to why you know leaving out everything else that happened with you and him fully in the office.

"Oh no," Roga says now sounding guilty.

"that's all I have," You say turning to leave the door.

"Oh Y/N did you tell him where we were at?" Roga says shyly.

"no," you say walking out the door into the main dining hall of the bar.

There stood Dolores making drinks for the day drunks in the bar.

"one orange juice with a shot of rum for me," You say sitting at the bar now looking at Dolores who gives you a confused smile.

"Oh my, gonna drink now?" Dolores says picking up a glass to pour the drink into.

"I know I am a woman and shouldn't be drinking, but today been a really and I mean long one," you say drinking a sip from the drink Dolores gave you.

"oh, I can tell," Dolores says to you.

That's when a large bang noise came from behind you.

"now fucking what," you say turning to the door area to see the sound was caused by the door and in came a man wearing glasses, a black hat, and a black coat.

He walks into the room giving off a dark feeling around him.

"Excuse me, can I help you," Dolores says to the strange man.

This causes him to smile at Dolores looking around the room.

"Name is Judge Doom, and I am here to look for a Toon, whose name is Roga Rabbit" the man now named Judge Doom says picking up his cane a bit and looking at it.

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