Chapter 18: Billy Boop

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It has been around a week or two since you ran into Jesse, well to be honest you haven't allowed yourself to be upset over him after all Eddie did leave the business you you. Eddie didn't send any word about what happened with him and Roga, yet you hope the both of them are ok.

One thing you made sure to check in your apartment for any Recorders from Judge Doom since honestly, you don't trust that man as far as you can throw him after you meet with him, Lucky there wasn't any recorder in your apartment for Judge Doom to try and hear any of your conversations. yet Judge Doom is sending people to watch you like a damn hawk when those people aren't too good at hiding as you can tell when one person is a normal bystander to one who an uncovered cop.

As you're now going into the local Coffee shop for a cup of 5¢ Joe you feel a tap on your shoulder.

You instinctively turn around in shock to see who the hell it was that placed their hand on your shoulder.

"Damn it Billy you freaking scared the living out of me," You said to Billy Boops, who you haven't seen as of late cause of not going to the Ink and Paint club.

"Well'cha still alive huh?" Billy said in response to your relief expression.

"anyways what do you need from me, Billy?" You say taking a sip of coffee. You're cup while walking out of the coffee shop next to Billy.

"Geez Y/N no hi or nothing to your little old pal here?" Billy said joking in his high-pitched voice.

"Sorry about that, I have been busy with you know work and such, but because I am on accident being such a jerk to a 'good old pal' of mine I will make it up by asking you, How are you doing?" You say in reply sounding as if you are joking right back at Billy.

Billy is smiling, and he has Chubby's cute cheeks, maybe because before Billy was changed into a Human Toon he was originally drawn as an anthropomorphic French poodle, but the artist later redesigned him which explains his cheeks being so Chubby they are.

"well Ummm I need your help with something Y/N," Billy says sitting down in the seat in front of you while you are sitting outside drinking your coffee and enjoying the sun today.

"Oh, what do you need to be done?" You asked in response, curious.

Billy takes one breath and said "the Office wants me to dress in a less-than-savory outfit for views"

"Oh-" You said in shock at Billy's statement.

"I get it, I am still a Sex Symbol even though Jesse Rabbit is number one, I am still counted to be one where people want to see me act like their typical Himbo," Billy said very sad.

"I understand why you don't want to do it anymore especially given your age I blame the artist that gave you that age," You said in an understanding tone.

"I may be 16 until my creator tells me otherwise, forever but thats, 's not the big problem here as sad as it is, the problem is I need to find a way out of the company wanting me to do this as I am tired of doing that stuff and treated like a toy," Billy said placing his hands onto his face.

"so you need me to help you find a loophole in your contract?" You asked finally understanding.

"Yes You get it Y/N," Billy said happily.

"you know it's not gonna be free for me to do this for you, cause as busy I am with running the office alone cause of Eddie gone I need to get paid for all things involved me researching for anyone to help me," you said serious but at the same time, you feel bad.

"I have the money for that Y/N, just name your price," Billy said holding up an empty check out.

"Last time we spoke didn't you tell me Money has been tight since cartoons have been going to colored?" you said finally.

"I did but my artist ended up deciding to soon be in color 'cause that same reason in hopes I will be even more popular," Billy said signing.

"Damn, y'all toons have it bad to keep on changing because that's what your artist wants," You said sadly.

Most people do not know when a toon design changes it's not by choice it's what the artist wants, and they would need to change to that artist's standard now when the original artist dies the Toon wouldn't be able to change anymore after all toons can live forever if they are popular if not they naturally fade away forgotten as that's how a toon dies.

"So with money not being an issue we got a deal?" Billy said smiling.

"I just don't want to go around Jesse when we meet to go over certain parts of the deal," You said finally.

"I heard Jesse getting Divorce from Roga, which caused both Toons and humans to become happy since the man is soon to be single," Billy said.

"oh lucky them," You said bitterly.

"Huh, I thought you would be happy to hear that now," Billy said now shocked at your reaction.

"and why would you think that Billy?" you asked curious.

"'cause Jesse is your type Y/N from the way you acted around him vs around me," Billy said Sleepish.

"Billy as handsome you are your not my type for one as more I see you as a brother and two I'm kinda pissed at Jesse," You said.

"Ohhh so you and him have been talking," Billy asked now in a curious tone.

"Oh drop it, Billy, 'cause I'm not in the mood to talk about it," you said taking a sip of your drink again.

"fine, fine I drop it but I'm still gonna be curious later~," Billy said playfully.

You laughed and said "Ok ok I am still not gonna tell y-"

You stopped mid sentences when you see a certain redhead toon sitting a few tables down from you.

"Jesse!" you said in shock, as you can see Jesse's face looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel.

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