Chapter 4: Eddie's Valiant Private Investigation

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You were heading back to Eddie's Valiant private investigation office to give Eddie aka your boss the updates and payment of his cut.

After Eddie's brother was killed by a toon with a piano hitting his head Eddie never trusts Toons again. He still takes cases on their cause of money but to be friends with them he will never.

This trip he was too drunk to go do this job so you were sent in his place.

As you get to the office you see that Eddie locked the door.

"damn he must be drunk already," you say signing and getting the key copy he made you out to open the door.

"Oh there you are Y/N" you heard which made you turn around almost dropping the keys onto the ground out of getting scared.

There stands Dolores wearing a sun dress fit for a woman in the 1940s.

"Geez you scared me, Dolores," You say signing out in relief.

"hey now I didn't mean to so brighten up," Dolores says in her sappy tone.

"guessing you came from the bar huh?" You say to Dolores with a friendly smile.

Dolores works in a bar named Pacific Electric Red Car Trolley Terminal Bar and comes to Eddie's office to pick up money for the bills for letting him borrow some stuff from her.

You think she has a crush on him even when she pretends to be mad.

"well I am going to see how Eddie is feeling now," you say picking up the key again.

"how was the job?" Dolores says while you started to put the key into the keyhole of the door.

"it went ok," you say unlocking the door.

"so is Roga gonna divorce Jesse?" Dolores says while you opened the door to Eddie's office stepping inside.

"how do you know about the job? oh, waits Eddie told you didn't he?" you say rolling your eyes.

It's just like him to start telling Dolores about the jobs he has when having a few drinks at the bar where Dolores works at.

"Now to answer your question I don't know," you say placing the stack of paper and bills onto Eddie's desk that piled up outside the door.

Eddie's office is both his workplace and his house. He doesn't leave much here unless for a job or for food which includes to him Alcohol.

You look around and see Eddie fast asleep in his bed with an empty bottle of whiskey next to him.

You sign placing his half-cut of the check onto the table.

Dolores looks at Eddie's sleeping body in an angry matter. Can't blame her though since he can get clean and help with the money he makes but choose to feed his addiction.

"I think it's best we leave Dolores," you say walking out the door with Dolores to the hall.

When both of y'all are outside you again locked Eddie's door.

"anyways is it true that Jesse is a looker?" Dolores asked breaking the tension.

You started to blush but reply "he isn't ugly in the face but as personality not that ugly"

"oh what a shame," Dolores says wrapping her arms together.

You and Dolores walk together on the sidewalk making your way to the bus to go home.

"was he that hot though?" Dolores says in a playful teasing friendly voice.

You blush, even more, thinking about how he was singing and was being flirty with everyone including you.

"I-I can't say he is my type but he was again handsome," you say crossing your leg over the other one and looking atraugh ahead.

"not your type huh? That blush on your face says otherwise," Dolores says again teasing you.

You rolled your eyes at her statement but she isn't wrong. You do find yourself attracted to that no-good playboy Jesse Rabbit who is married.

The bus came into view and you stand up to get onto it.

"Well this is goodbye for now Dolores," you say stepping onto the bus and digging into it to find a dime to pay for a ticket.

After buying it you sit on the bus for the ride to take you home.

As you get into your apartment you look up to see the small empty room.

You take off your work clothes and started to get into the shower.

As you are in there, you can remember the fact that Jesse made you feel hot. You turned off the shower quickly knowing that you cannot have a man who is taken but you can't help but feel attracted to him.

You get dressed in your PJs make your way to your bed and lay down.

Turning over you look at the cash you made from that job, $50. I'll go to the rent for this small apartment.

You throw it onto the group turning over and wrapping yourself into a blanket.

You can't stop thinking about Jesse while trying to go to bed. His beautiful long red hair covers one eye. His green lazy eyes with his pouty lips made him look like a diva. His muscular built underneath his suit and given he is over 5"10 ft, you feel your inner thighs throb.

Instead of taking care of yourself you just squeeze your thighs together since you will not allow that toon of a man to win.

'After all, he is married to a good woman and I can't hurt her more than what he already has. He is a playboy who will not stay loyal. He is a room and you are a human which toons with humans are looked down upon. Lastly your not gonna let no man win over your heart at least again' you thought to yourself as you drifted off to sleep.


Author notes:

So will y'all not make love to y'all 2d crushes if there was a law saying you can't? Just wondering.

Thank you for reading.

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