Chapter 21: Call It Even 🍋

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*Warning for Sexual themes in this chapter!!!!*

"Now Y/N, get on your knees," Jesse says sitting on the edge of your bed pulling your hand near him.

"What for?" you asked now curious as to what Jesse is thinking.

"I serve you with my mouth down in your wet beautiful *Y/N's private parts color here* so as it should be even out now-" Jesse says slowly caressing your cheek then trailing it to your lips before finally saying "I know I want to see your lips sexy *Y/N's lip color* wrapping around my already hard dick, what do you say about that?" Jesse ended with a low sexy tone.

Feeling quite Flushed, you started to smile thinking about what you said quickly before settling with "I-I thought we just were going to sleep in the same bed tonight now Jesse"

With a bit of laugh maybe to see your reaction Jesse says "Y/N, you're quite funny, of course, we are going to sleep in the same bed, but We need to become tired out to be able to get a good night of rest, right?"

Smacking your lips more out of feeling excited in more ways than one you say "Oh damn it Jesse, how are you good at this?"

"At what? I don't know what you're talking about now Y/N, please clarify" Jesse says now clearly acting dumb.

Rolling your eyes, you get onto your knees quickly after putting your hair up, unzipping his pants, and taking out Jesse's fully hard dick placed on design to your sight.

"I should warn you, I haven't done this before so As a heads warning if I hurt you, sorry but also you wanted this," you say slowly stroking his dick.

"Ah... what do you mean by hurt me?" Jesse asked confused.

Without touching Jesse's clear worried expression, you slowly start to kick ever so gently on his manhood trailing from his base to his tip.

Hearing Jesse Soft moans you take this as a sign he likes what you're doing as of now. Softly sucking his tip, as you use your one hand to stroke gently as the other hand you place onto his leg to hold yourself up, you are taking it easy.

Slowly pushing down your head to take more of him inside your mouth, you use your tongue in circular movements to please him.

"Ah.." Jesse says placing his hand on the top of your head rubbing your head as your sucking and playing with his manhood hoping it pleases him.

You are speeding up, and going a bit sucking harder, building it up little by little as you hear Jesse moans and breaths speeding up to your touch.

After a while, you feel Jesse pushes your head down onto his manhood, feeling something hot and liquid comes out of it, which tasted not necessarily bad nor necessarily good.

Pulling off with coughs due to how hard Jesse pushed your head onto him you managed to look up at Jesse whose face is flushed red and almost teary eyes.

"F-Fuck Y/N...." Jesse says trying to sit back up straight.

"Maybe next time don't go pushing my head onto your dick that fucking fast when you're going to cum" You say sounding almost pissed but Jesse is laughing.

"Was it bad?" Jesse says smiling down at you as you're now also blushing at what you've done.

"No, it wasn't," You say pouting.

"Good cause I still wanna come quickly in the mouth one more time," Jesse says lifting your chin to his tip again holding his dick at an angle for your mouth.

"OH NO I'M NOT GOING TO PUT IT IN MY MOUTH FULLY AGAIN," you say more disappointed since you are hoping to be pleased with him touching you in other areas.

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