Chapter 14: A%^HOLE

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"Hey now don't get too cheeky now." You say in response quickly trying to stand up but then your legs have been weak causing you to fall to the floor. 

"I take that as I did a really good job now," Jesse says helping you get back onto the bed where your face is red from feeling like a fool just now. 

You look away from seeing how smug Jesse is looking right about now before saying "ok you win" 

"Hmmm did I? does that mean I get to get my reward," Jesse asked now. 

"Shit.... yeah that.... your gonna get mad as a head notice," You say to him now starting to feel bad about the situation. 

"Oh?" Jesse says now sitting up and looking at you. 

With a large intake of air, you say "Roga left town long ago, and may not come back, Jesse" 

"Haha very funny now Y/N come on tell me the actual news of where my wife is at," Jesse says to you laughing in disbelief at your statement. 

"Oh, Jesse I wish I was joking but she isn't coming back." You say now feeling sad for Jesse. 

"No, she couldn't have, she wouldn't just leave me, and even if she did why?" Jesse asked you in a bit of a pissed-off tone. 

"You see she left because a fella name Judge Doom, came looking for her and she caught wind he had some type of chemical to kill a toon, like melt them into nothing, and she left fearing for her life because from the sounds of it Judge Doom wasn't gonna let Roga get a trial she was simply gonna be killed." You say explaining the best you can not get out any more information than needed to me. 

"automatic death for Roga? No that can't be, and she left by herself fearing that without me her husband?" Jesse said almost yelling. 

You stand up quickly to cover his mouth to say "Jesse lower your voice down, cause in case you didn't notice Judge Doom's little helpers are here in the club listening in right now." 

"and how the hell you know this?" Jesse says in a lowered voice but still clearly pissed off. 

"I ain't gonna lie but I have seen them here earlier," You say looking to the door. 

"why didn't you say this earlier?" Jesse says to you. 

"Didn't want to risk of you letting them know you know" You say sitting on the bed. 

"Touche," Jesse says rolling his eyes. 

"Sorry about that Jesse," You say honestly. 

"But do you know she will be ok?" Jesse asks you putting back on his pants. 

"I am sure Roga will be ok, she is in the care of my boss Eddie." You say pulling your underwear back on. 

"I see, I can't believe she left without telling me anything," Jesse says sounding sad before sitting on the bed. 

"she didn't want to place you in danger," You say bitterly for some reason. 

"More importantly your also still hiding something from me," Jesse said looking at you. 

this caused you to jolt before saying "What do you mean by that?"

"Y/N I ain't dumb, I can know when a lady hiding something from me so spill it all," Jesse says sounding pissed still.

"I can't Jesse," you say looking away sheepish.

"you can't or you wouldn't?" Jesse says hugging you from behind. 

"Jesse I can't" you again repeat. 

"Let me guess you want me to fuck you again for that information or are you having fun toying with me?" Jesse says to you which now caused you to get pissed off.

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You say turning to look at Jesse's face.

"Just as I said, you came here to try and take me from my wife like other women," Jesse said bitterly to you.

"Take that back Jesse," You say pissed off. 

"Or what Y/N? you'll walk out of here like I even care I gave you what you wanted, sex" Jesse says rolling his eyes and sounding cocky. 

Standing up you grabbed your dress placing it back onto your body laughing in disbelief. 

"Wow, I can't believe how such an asshole you are Jesse, after all, I ain't the one married here having sex with someone that's not my wife." You say now letting your anger out. 

"You're right Y/N but at least I am not the mistress here now," Jesse said which caused you to look at him near the door with your hand on the knob. 

You bust out laughing before saying "Oh Jesse, You're right I am holding onto some information and you wanna know what it is, You Wife send me here to keep you distracted like a fool while she left with Eddie, who she and him been having an affair behind your back where she said she was going to leave you for anyways because she fell out of love for you, so congrats not only did you just have stick your dick into nobody mistress aka me, your wife right about now maybe is getting dicked down by her own lover. Oh but do take care Jesse, I really hope you find yourself a wife who actually loved you, cause you're really gonna need it, Jesse" 

Where you turn around, leaving the room quickly where now you are outside in the cold night air. Not wanting to see I hear what Jesse was going to say you quickly left, you're just now walking down to your apartment. 

When getting into your apartment you locked the door behind you, and you get into the bed with tears in your eyes feeling like shit for what just happened right now. 


author notes: 

I am on Spring break y'all, so updates are coming more for some days of this time I am on break.

Thank you for reading.

PS: Do you think Jesse was being an Asshole in this chapter? 

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