Chapter 1: The Job

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You started to watch the scene of Roga Rabbit chasing a baby around, ending with her being hit in the head when the refrigerator.

"CUT" the director yells ending the scene in a frustrated tone waving his hands around.

Poor Roga gets lectured on what she did wrong in the scene. The cartoon baby with the cigarettes started to make their way to their trailer room cursing out themselves for how Roga messed up the scene since the star at least to the set is the baby.

You are watching not taking notes looking around now for someone to help you get to the producer of R.K maroon studio's head office.

You see a person walk by and stop them to ask in a polite tome "hello there, do you know where I can find the office of Mr. Maroon?"

The employee looks at you and gains like you get it becomes tiresome working on this set with toons all day. You maybe are a human but you don't hayhavete for toons like your partner Eddie.

The person tells you where to go and you make your way to the office.

You knock on the door and Mr. Maroon opened it now with a large smile.

"Well hello there, Y/N is it? Eddie told me he sent'cha" Mr. Maroon says holding out his hand for you to shake.

"yes, that will be me, sir," you say taking his hand shaking it and going into his office.

"figured that Eddie will not come as much as I wanted him to, not because you are a woman of course," Mr. Maroon says quickly.

It's the 1940s so men seeing a woman going off with a job to help her without a husband is rare, even rarer when that woman isn't a cook, nurse, teacher, and MLM seller. Most will refuse to work with any woman who is in my field, but in this case when Eddie isn't the one who wants to go they would accept me doing the job in the end.

"I understand, but I would like to hear the job information now if you be so kind," you say firmly but in a professional tone.

You mean business cause business gets you money, and time is also money wasting it means you lose money.

"of course," Mr. Maroon says going over to his mini bar full of alcohol-related drinks and starting to pour himself whiskey on rocks of ice.

He doesn't offer you a drink since let's be real in this period a woman seen as drinking especially in public will be called a 'lose woman' aka an whore. So instead of having more rumors on your name as is, you don't question him as to why he isn't offering you anything as a drink.

"so what did Eddie tell you that the job js?" Mr. Maroon asked you sitting at the edge of his desk looking at you.

"Eddie told me you needed someone to go take pictures of Roga Rabbit's husband Jesse Rabbit showing the man is a two-timer cheat," you say.

"correct, normally I wouldn't care if the man was cheating or not but because our audience is kids mothers will not let their children glue to the tv watching our shows with Roga in them because of their views of her husband cheating," Mr. Maroon says showing he cared more about his biggest show not failing rather the toon's Roga feelings.

"so I gotta find Jesse and take pictures of the man," you asked wondering if there was more to the story.

"I know where he is going to work tonight," Mr. Maroon says opening the lines of his windows to show the different toons from both warner bros and Disney running around down below, and Dumbo is flying near the window using its nose truck to wave hi to us in the room.

"see him, Dumbo? We hired him from Disney for a while, sweet-looking character huh?" Mr maroon says pointing to the toon.

"you said you know where Jesse will be, so where would that be?" you say trying not to waste your time with his off-track conversation.

"oh sure, he will be at The Ink and Paint club tonight to sing there." Mr. Maroon says sitting back down at his desk.

"the club run by toons?" you say raising an eyebrow at Mr. Maroon.

"yes he is popular there, humans are the clients there but the toons run the place. They say his biggest buyer is the Major's daughter Merlin Acme, the Gag princess poor girl acts just like her daddy now" Mr. Maroon nodding his head in disbelief.

"she's a pretty girl from what I am told, blonde, green eyes, and pastry skin, with one addition of her being the major's daughter she has money," you say to respond to Mr. Maroon's statement.

"she may be pretty but she is getting in the way of my money, so that's where I need you to go and find proof she and Jesse are laying in the same bed so that Roga can get a divorce from her husband," Mr. Maroon says placing his glass down finally done drinking his whiskey.

"how much am I gonna get on this job?" you asked finally.

"I was thinking of giving you $50 now and $50 when you bring me something," Mr. maroon says throwing you an enovlpe filled with 50 dollars.

"fine, you get y'all proof by tomorrow morning," you say standing up walking out of the office.

"Oh, btw miss Y/N, the password is-"

"walt I got it," you say cutting him off and finally leaving the office to go to wait at the office at night time til the club becomes open.


Author notes:

This is a story that I wasn't requested to do but I still wanted to do it. I also felt petty by making this story so if y'all know what I am talking about don't bring it up here I would like to not have drama in the comments of this story.

If you the reader know who is the artist's artwork used in this chapter please reply here with what their username is so others can go support the artist.

Thank you for reading this story.

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