Chapter 22: The Coffee

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Waking up you start to smell something good coming from your kitchen.

"the fuck" you managed to say all sleepy, slowly helping your body upright to then climb out of your bed sheets.

Feeling cold you then realized how exposed your body still is from last night's little patty-cake time with Jesse Rabbit. Hearing sounds of humming from who you guess is Jesse you thought of an idea to sneak up on him. Before moving your plan in motion you look into your drawers to find a new set of clothes to put on, as you don't wanna go out there showing off your birthday suit. As your looking in the drawer your eyes look at the floor and quickly see that Jesse's shirt is still very much on your floor, meaning he is most likely cooking shirtless, also meaning his shirt is free to use.

Smirking, you pick up the shirt first flapping it in the air with the use of both hands, before putting it on your body. After getting the shirt on your body you slowly lift the shirt to your nose to smell what cologne Jesse has been wearing, which is a scent of roses that have been drinking sweet liquor and smoked an equally sweet cigarette to it.

Making your way to the door frame you take a peek outside to see that Jesse's fine ass is cooking you some breakfast that smells so good. You think to yourself 'I didn't know he can cook' before smiling all large and dreamily to this man you are so into so much that you are not realizing you are falling even more for him. 

Slowly making your way to Jesse who has his back turned to you, tip-toeing to his area, you successfully ended up scaring him as you arm your arms around his stomach.

"Good morning, Handsome, did I scare you?" you say kissing Jesse's neck a bit before pulling away fully.

Jesse chuckles a bit, before turning to you with a smile but it drops when his eyes land on the shirt you wearing his shirt.

You with a tease-ful smile and a quick turn around asked Jesse "Do you like the new shirt I found?"

With one of his eye browns raised and maybe a bit of a turn-on smile he says "It looks great on you, but-" he cuts off saying.

Out of curiosity, you asked him "But?"

"But, I think it will look even better on the floor, preferably the kitchen floor," Jesse says pulling you closer to him.

You blushed but quickly say "Hmmm nice thinking but it would be sad if I ended up not eating the food you were making and letting it get cold"

Jesse rolled his eyes, which at first you hated, but as of now, you think it's kinda cute.

"fair," Jesse says kissing you on the lips before again turning around back to cooking.

With a bit of a pout, you ended up taking a seat on your couch as you don't have a dining room table set in your apartment.

Your mind starts to wander off onto thinking about maybe buying one, as you may need it to eat with possibly your new boyfriend? No wait friend, since you think you and Jesse aren't that close to calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Yet the idea of waking up next to him every day would be quite, pleasing as you can't deny how much you love his body physically.

"Y/N, you want coffee?" you hear Jesse ask you which snaps you out of your fantasy.

"Oh yes please," You say looking over at Jesse who is wearing your Apron, which you haven't notice he has been wearing all this time, but you now did and you're almost going to laugh.

"what's funny?" Jesse asked noticing your reaction.

"n-nothing," you say looking away quickly.

"liar," Jesse says not in a tone that's angry rather than an equally playful tone, which ended up sending you into a laughing fit.

After one minute of laughing you make a cough sound before saying "Just to know I am not laughing at you, I just find you too cute wearing my apron"

"coming from the girl who is wearing my shirt," Jesse says as a comeback but again out of being playful sounding.

"Fair," you say now fully calm down from laughing.

"How would you like your coffee made Y/N?" Jesse says holding up your mug in the air and looking at you.

"Oh-" you say thinking now it's funny how you guessed he would have automatically known your favorite way to make your coffee. You ended up telling him how you liked your coffee and with that, he followed it to what you explained to him.

After a while, Jesse comes with your plate of food in one hand, and your coffee in the other hand.

"Oh thank you," you say seeing he bought you the usual breakfast stuff, eggs, bacon, and some type of toast maybe with added butter.

Taking a bite of it your eyes widen, at the flavor of it "It tastes good" you say out loud.

"is it?" Jesse says coming with his plate of food and coffee in hand sitting next to you.

You nod, now going into eating breakfast, where you feel a hand touch your face.

You look at Jesse who looking at you with such a smile, one of which you can't read other than the fact it's coming off warm-hearted.

"oh sorry you had food on your face," Jesse says pulling his hand away before going into eating the food on his plate.

You look at the coffee Jesse had made picking it up with your one hand, slowly sipping it you think to yourself 'Wow he got it perfect'.

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