Chapter 26: final plan

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Snap sound comes from the rope ties around your hands and wrist as you quickly stand up making your way over the truck. Before Judge Doom can grab you, you push the toon from out the car by grabbing him by the neck in normal toon style. That leaves you now quickly trying to figure out how to stop the machine which luckily knowing how Toons label stuff, it clearly says in big bold letters over an equally big red button Push to stop the machine!

Making an exciting yelp you went to push the button, but then came a sharp pain running across your side pushing you out of the truck hard. You quickly looked up in pain to see who had done that. It was Judge Doom who is quite pissed off.

Looking over to Jesse who is still trying to break free, now shows the hose is moving slowly to him. One thing is you know you have to click that button and fast.

"Meddling bitch" said Judge Doom as he jumps down from the truck and is making his way to you, but quickly you move away. The good thing about growing up in a big city like New York, you had to learn to be quick on your feet and come up with a plan so that you didn't end up like a subway rat.

Looking around the room you are trying to figure out how to get rid of Judge Doom. That's when your eyes fall on the Barrel that is left alone like it was sent by the Gods as a mouse-ke-tool. It hits you, that even though Judge Doom here is half-human, he is still a toon so technically speaking that chemical would also affect him. Make sense since the only time you've ever seen him use it on other toons, he wore thick gloves and also a pair of mental pairs. So even if it doesn't necessarily kill him, he still can become hurt by this chemical.

Smirking you finally said, "Judge Doom, remember when you did that music to try and find Roga Rabbit?"

Judge Doom tints his head confused as to what you're getting at, which makes things even better work for you as for now he doesn't know what you have planned.

You point around the whole room while saying "You pick the worst possible place to set up your plan, don't you know why?"

You started to slowly back away and hit a wall as Judge Doom kept on walking toward you.

"Oh, do tell me why this was the worst possible place, detective Y/N." Judge Doom says now finally making his way still 3 feet away from you.

You can't help but laugh at that statement before saying "Silly unlike you, I research stuff, at least I learned that this building is a studio for Toon's recordings which also includes sounds."

With that, you quickly reach over pulling the lever that happened to be a sound box, for certain scenes done by toons. Judge Doom at first was struggling to not dance around to the music as seen with his twist-and-turn face, along with his trying to keep his own body still. Give or take a few minutes and he is dancing along with his minors. This gave you the chance to slip by him making your way now over to the barrel.

Now time to try and open it you are looking for a crowbar. Looking over to the side of the truck you see it, which causes you to sign loudly.

Running to the truck again you try to grab it, but before you can, you feel your leg being pulled on. You fell, and turning you saw that one of the toon Weasle grabbed your leg.

"GOOD JOB!" yelled out Judge Doom from the other side of the room.

You at first try to kick off this toon, but he is hooked onto your leg too tight. At the corner of your eye, you see a toon-like hammer, so as you try and grab it, you start to hear the music slowing down meaning it's going to soon stop. 'Come on now' you think to yourself as your fingertips brushed over the hammer. You push and push the hammer slightly to you until you are fully able to grab it.

"I SAID TO LET GO DAMN IT" you yelled out before walking the toon up on the side of his head. He doesn't let go of the first hit, but you can tell it affects him as stars fly around his head. You hit him one more time which caused him in a toon-like matter his teeth to bend and his head to crave in goofy. He toppled over falling to the side of you letting go.

Standing up you grabbed the crowbar and running back to the barrel. Placing it into the barrel lid you start to pull the lid up as quickly as you can. But you notice something, the music stops. Looking up you see Judge Doom in an almost breathy tone starts to stand up making his way to you.

"I See you are trying to get that barrel opened miss Y/N," Judge Doom says with almost a smirk.

Lifting the lid off you look at Judge Doom before saying "Listen here Judge fuck face, I am not in the mood to be fucking around."

"Just because you have that chemical doesn't mean it will work to kill me now," Judge says in a cocky voice.

You rolled your eyes and with one foot against the barrel you said "Who says I was trying to kill you now."

With no shock on Judge Doom's face, he tries to turn and possibly run off but you push the barrel with your foot adding all your force into it, causing the floor to fully be covered by the chemical.

The weasels all melted away and as for Judge Doom, he starts to equally melt away. Judge Doom yells out in pain, with statements mixed in saying how could you do this to him, and so on but you couldn't tell as you blocked his voice out.

"Huh, guess that speech about you being half human doesn't mean away when your chemical affects you too now just the same as any other toon," you say making your way to the truck where Jesse hasn't been hit with the chemical yet.

Hitting the red button the truck stopped having the chemical coming from it. Stepping from the truck again you see the chemical is draining through the floor drain, and looking up at Jesse he looks at you with a mixture of worry and relief.

Clicking the button to lower the wrecking back that he was chained to, you say "damsel in distress" with a smirk.

"Oh shut it," Jesse says looking away as you start to try and free him from the chains.

"You know you owe me big time," you say now finally freeing him.

Jesse jumps from the wrecking ball now facing you with a smirk before picking you up into his arms bridal style.

"I know How I could make it up to you." He says smirking.

"Oh, how?" You asked in amusement.

"How about we play a little game of pattycake when we get to your home?" Jesse says in a sultry voice which causes you to blush.

"After We get done telling the police what happened today here." You say kissing him on the cheek.

"Wow so bossy aren't you Y/N?" Jesse says in a joking tone.

You then say "Yet you know that you love it"

"You right about that Y/N," Jesse says before placing a kiss onto your lips which you equally return.

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