Chapter 25: The Judge's Plan

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After getting caught, Judge Doom had the toon Weasels drag both you and Jesse's Sorry asses but granted you and Jesse are more so sorry both of you guys were caught. You were placed tied up on the ground, yet Jesse was being pulled off closer to the wrecking ball machine. 

Jesse ended up getting tied up with the heavy chain parts of the wrecking ball, where you were on a chair made of wood. Judge Doom of course in villain fashion comes in, with a large smirk painted onto his face. 

Quickly you yelled out to Judge Doom smug look saying, "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO?!?" 

Judge Doom then turns to look at you without a care in the world softly stroking his cane topper part while saying, "Of course get rid of them." 

"Wait get rid of us?" asked Jesse, now confused as to what Judge Doom just had said. 

"You heard me, I plan on getting rid of all of them nuisance of toons," Judge says proudly, in stereotypical movie villain style. 

"Why? you can blame my parents for doing that, as it is hard enough for someone like me to truly fit anywhere, as I am a mixed-race being, both a human and a toon. I cannot fit among the humans as they wouldn't let someone like me work into their establishments, and I can't get jobs as a toon as I am not immune to any damage vs a normal full-blooded toon." 

Being shocked at the news of learning this man isn't fully human you still went to ask, "Half-Toon but you look as if your human."

This caused Judge Doom to laugh before saying "Well it's not hard to cover up my under skin with one being realistic." With this Judge Doom takes off his skin revealing that indeed he isn't fully human as his underskin looks more toon-like, with red eyes, drawn skin, and a small patch of red hair, which was the biggest shock to his look. You can't help it but there is something about him that looks familiar to you. You had thought to yourself 'he looks almost like that toon Eddie talked about that killed his brother Teddy.' 

Then it slaps you in the face with realization after thinking this for a bit before asking "Say, you don't know what happened to Eddie's brother Theodore?" You asked him if he knew him and what had happened to him. Instead of asking 'Are you the one that killed Theodore?' just to see how this man would react hopefully tripping up instead of becoming defensive. 

"Oh, Theodore Valiant? hmm now that you bring it up, I do remember meeting him, during a trip through toon town. Oh that's right I was the one who pushed the piano onto the poor fella's head since he figured out my plan to get rid of everyone in toon town" Judge Doom finally says with a large smirk on his face.  

"You killed him?" You asked in shock seeing how proud this thing is after doing something like that to someone else. 

"Say it however you want Ms. Y/N, after all, I couldn't have that man go, running back and telling on me to anyone before I put my plan into action." 

"You're one evil son of a bitch." You say with a bite, trying to wiggle your hands free to punch him on Eddie's behalf. That's when you feel something sharp near your hands, it feels cold yet wet, and the texture reminds you of glass, so you grab it. 

"No use in fighting free Y/N, after all, you haven't seen the start of my plan" Judge Dooms then says where the sound of beeping is now loudly coming from the wrecking ball machine, raising it along with Jesse still on it. 

This caused you to yell "JESSE!" as you watched Jesse now trying to break free from this. The ball stops not moving yet in the air, as Jesse still trying to wiggle his way out of the rope used to tie his body up. 

"I take it you're sleeping with this toon; such a shame Y/N" Judge Doom says with amusement before waving his cane to another vehicle to come closer, which it does as being driven by one of them bastard weasel toons. 

"The hell do you plan on doing to Jesse?" You yell out now quickly using the glass to cut your hands free, but it's not quick enough.

"Unfortunately for Jesse here, he is a toon, and since I plan to rid all toons from this world, that also includes him but don't worry you can say your byes as you watch him melt away from my creation." Judge Doom then says with a smile using his cane to point to the truck where you then realize that barrels most likely filled with that chemical mix to kill toons are latched onto it, where your eyes trail up to see a hose-like machine on top of the van. This crazy bastard plans on how to get the chemical to get rid of the toons, the van will be driving through Toon Town, and with the hose spraying out the chemical melts all the toons in the town.

Some shaking noises started to come from the van, and with one touch of a button from the Van, the Weasel helping Judge Doom had the chemical mixture spray from the van making its way slowly up to Jesse's whereabouts.


Author notes:

I was gonna make this the last chapter with a happy ending but that's going to be put off for next month. No worries Jesse isn't killed here, to put my lovely reader's minds at ease.

Now instead of making this the last chapter, there are plans to make two more chapters, one for the ending, and an afterword, before fully ending this story.

So stay tuned folk, get it 😭.

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