Chapter 16: I'm Sorry

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Before you closed the door in that Bastard of a Jesse Rabbit's face he quickly grabs the door to keep it from fully closing.

"Awe Sweetheart, you're still mad at me?" Jesse says trying to sound sweet and sad to you.

"No of course I am not it's not like you went out and called me a side bit- I mean your mistress and got mad at me for your wife leaving," You said with sarcasm with a smile planted on your face.

"ha You have jokes now, but seriously can I come in please Y/N?" Jesse says almost in a begging tone.

You rolled your eyes before saying "For what reason?"

Jesse bites his lip as if he is hesitating to come here at all before saying "I want to just talk and tell you how much of an ass I was to you and that I am-" he stops.

You crossed your arms looking at him with an impatient look before saying "you are what? An asshole? A playboy? An idiot? Please tell me what you are Jesse cause I honestly don't have all day"

"I'm sorry I am very sorry Y/N," Jesse says finally.

This caused you to look at him in shock before not knowing what to say next.

"Can I please just come in so we can talk about all that happened last night, Y/N?" Jesse asked you again with that same tone of sadness in it.

"Right last night-" you said out loud feeling some feeling of shame in yourself about how you went and told Jesse off. Yes, it felt good but you went and told him about Roga being with Eddie which was not your place to do so.

You step off to the side opening the door wider before deciding to say "come in like I said I don't have all day Jesse"

Jesse with a look of relief comes into your apartment. He takes a look around as you go back into your kitchen to pick up your coffee mug filled with your drink.

"Huh, it's pretty..... Ummm...." Jesse started to say in an uncertain tone of voice which at the sight of this makes you crack a small smile onto your face.

"Small?" you simply say looking off to the side and picking up the newspaper you had bought earlier to pretend to read it.

"I was going to say it's quite cozy in here," Jesse says in an honest tone.

"Oh, I see," You say again not looking at Jesse but looking at the newspaper.

"if you're looking for the weather for today, it's maybe gonna rain later on Sweetheart," Jesse says pushing the paper down a bit meeting his eyes to yours.

"you have green eyes Jesse," You say in shock since you couldn't tell what color they were before.

"I have a bit of a lazy eye, or rather eyes, thanks to the art designer that made me for that," Jesse says half-jokingly.

You smiled at his statement before saying "But seriously Jesse, what you here to talk about?"

"Oh-Oh yeah, I am here to tell you that You were right Y/N, and how I acted last time we saw each other I was wrong so I came here to say I am sorry for hurting you," Jesse says in a bit of a sheepish tone of voice which makes you enjoy seeing the PlayBoy Mr. Rabbit turn into a mess when he is in the wrong.

"I accept your apology Mr. Rabbit, but I should also say sorry for my part in what I said as well. I also believed I hurt you and because of that I am sorry for doing so" you say honestly which caused Jesse to look at you in shock but in a way, it's endearing to you.

"Well I also accept your apology Ms. L/N too," Jesse says teasfully to you.

"May I ask how you figured out I was right?" You asked curiously now.

"Oh yeah so Roga left me her notepad in our shared house expressing everything, I found it when I go home upset at us arguing and ended up on it. I will say at first I didn't want to believe it, heck she is or rather was my wife someone who I loved and always have only for her to go off without asking me to help her with another man one who isn't a toon as well" Jesse finally explained quickly sounding hurt, which make sense as he was also betrayed by the one he loved who ran off to find love themselves.

"Jesse I am so sorry that this has happened to you," You say sounding quite sad and unable to meet his eyes.

"Don't be Y/N after all you want the one who hurt me the most here?" Jesse says lifting your chin to his gaze.

You blushed but say "but Jesse, I do have a question."

"Ask it away," Jesse says confused yet curious.

"Don't you think less of me too 'cause I am not a toon?" You asked half joking half not.

"you are right about that yet honestly I say you are one hell of a woman, one who is quite a bit of a brat now," Jesse said flirty to you which caused you to look at him with shock but as well amusement.

"oh, as much I would like you to have me on my coffee table right now Jesse I'm afraid I need to go run Eddie's business while he went today," you say in a sad tone.

"oh I see," Jesse says kinda disappointed.

"but I say it doesn't hurt to kiss you maybe a few times while I sit on your lap," you say pushing yourself against Jesse with an equally flirty smile matching Jesse's.

With this Jesse lowers his face to yours and places his lips onto your own and slowly kisses you with his tongue.


Author Notes:

Like my cliffhanger?

Currently taking college classes so slowly chapters are getting updates. Starting in may Morecambe out quickly where that's when my semester ended and I am on summer vacation. I am sorry ahead of time for my readers.

Thank you for reading.

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