Chapter 13: Taking one for the team 🍋

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As you're laying down with the one and only Jesse Rabbit on top of you who referred to himself as Daddy to you, your start to think where did you go wrong? why did you agree to this plan? and what upper power did this to you?

"J-Jesse listens now-" You started to say but then you feel something over your lips.

with wide eyes, you can see Jesse has placed his lips onto yours. You quickly push him away expecting him to be upset or shocked but Jesse is laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" You asked now the one feeling confused with blush-filled cheeks.

"Baby, let me guess You want Daddy's lips onto something else?" Jesse says with amusement in his tone of voice teasing you.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO REFER TO YOURSELF AS DADDY TO ME!" You yelled out finally feeling a bit shame.

"no, 'cause I am getting back for what you did to me earlier," Jesse says taking off his shirt and showing his semi-muscular build to you.

Honestly, your eyes went widened and for a second you thought to yourself 'actually hear me out'.

"Like what you see now sugar?" Jesse's asked you with a smirk on his face.

"Very much so- Wait no, stop teasing me...." You say not breaking the view of his body.

"come to me now baby," Jesse said with a demanding voice.

"Shoot say less," You say quickly crawling to him, but stop remembering you can't let yourself get some fun of the dance without the pant.

"Actually I think I stay where I am at...." You say turning away to which you didn't see Jesse getting off the bed.

"Y/N...." Jesse says.

"What is i-" You start to say turning to look back at Jesse who now took his pants off showing off only wearing his form-fitting briefs and you are looking at his hard carrot.

"Last chance to have slept with me or I will get dressed and have you kicked out if you keep playing with me...." Jesse says with his hands on his hips.

"You know I wanna meet the artist who drew that 'cause that seems a bit big...." You say pointing to his manhood which caused Jesse to laugh a bit.

"It's not even all the way hard Y/N," Jesse says with confidence.

"Stop fucking lying," You say in disbelief.

"how about you find out," Jesse says with a teasing flirty voice.

with that, you with shock say "Well I'll be damn.... fuck... shit.... how long do I get with you again?"

With a smirk, Jesse says "As long you can keep up with me how about that Y/N?"

"I'm sorry Roga, I have to take this for the team....." You say under your breath finally now going over to Jesse.

Before Jesse can get a word out you pull him into a kiss by wrapping your arms around his neck.

Jesse Kissing you back picks you up by your thighs and places you on the bed kissing you, siding his tongue into yours. You can feel your dress skirt being pushed upward with Jesse's hands where now with only underwear being in between his going inside your private parts.

His erection is growing as you can feel which causes you to moan a bit. Jesse's hands are starts to travel up to your breast, where he started pulling your dress down to expose your bare breast. You choose to not wear a bra for this dress cause you hated the shape it made underneath the dress.

Jesse places his hand on your breast and slowly plays with your breast nipples. You moan a bit softly as he keeps on kissing. With his free hand, Jesse grabs onto your thigh slowly using his fingertips making his way down to almost your underwear is located.

Jesse pulls away from you breathlessly to ask you with a smirk "Should I be rough or should I be gentle now Y/N?"

You with blush-heated cheeks also equally breathless managed to say "please start off gentle with me but be rough later on"

With a soft kiss, Jesse replies back to you "Yes Ma'am" before again pulling away and pulling you to sit up so he can pull up your dress over your shoulders off your body and throw it onto the floor. Gently he pushes you back to lie down and picks up one of your legs and places it onto his shoulder. starting at your knee he starts to kiss softly and gently as his hand is helping keep your leg propped up.

He kisses your leg down until he meets your underwear area. He kisses your private area through the underwear which causes you to feel a heartbeat down there a bit.

"Huh, what are you doing Jesse?" You asked with a bit of a shocked look on your face.

"I plan on using this mouth of mine to the best of my skill set," Jesse says to you with a smirk and used his hands to slowly remove your underwear, throwing it onto the floor to expose your wet kitty cat.

"Oh my, Y/N you're already wet for me," Jesse says gently using his fingers to rub you down there which causes you to moan gently. "So wet where I can already go inside you with my hard dick," Jesse says to you in a sultry voice before placing his mouth on your pussy.

You moan even more pushing your head back a bit as Jesse starts to at first slowly use his fingers and mouth, building up speed. He then places his fingers inside you and uses them to go in and out of you and he starts to suck harder and faster.

You grab the sheets with teary eyes and moan, and as you're about to climate you start to see stars as you finished moaning loudly.

Jesse pulls away from you and gets on top of you with a smile showing how much he is enjoying seeing how you react to him he says "should I keep on going or are you done now Y/N?".

with a smile and a small laugh escaping your lips "no keep on going now, Jesse"

"Here I thought you were going to call me daddy," Jesse says as a joke.

You pout to him and say "Daddy please give me a treat for being such a good girl for you" as a counter-joke to his.

Jesse's face turn into shock before amusement before saying "yes baby girl"

Jesse pulls down his briefs to let out his manhood, where was right to say what you saw before wasn't even fully hard, but now it is it looks even bigger.

"Ready?" Jesse asked you to make sure that you are sure you want to actually go through with this.

"Yes please," You say confirming it's ok for him to go ahead.

With this Jesse slowly enter inside of you with his manhood which at first hurts but your body slowly gets used to it.

"Damn Y/N your quite tight inside fuck" Jesse says with a mix of grunts and moans to being inside of you.

slowly Jesse moves inside of you, gently for you to get used to him. After some time Jesse starts to build up speed and he starts to go rougher until he is now just now going quickly as he can and rough. It doesn't hurt it feels quite nice you moan with teary eyes and then Jesse's lips are onto yours and you both are kissing.

after around 30 minutes both you and Jesse had a climate together. Kisses each other as you both finish and Jesse pulls away and out of you.

Both breathless, Jesse pulls you to face him and wraps his arms around you.

"How was that now Y/N?" Jesse asks you.


author notes:

I am currently in college, which means I am sadly busier than usual, so chapter updates are coming slower than usual.

I did my end of the deal y'all cause I was told I catfish y'all with an upcoming NSFW chapter for a while.

BTW Y/N fr me- jk lol.

Thank you for reading y'all and have a wonderful day.

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