Chapter 17: Divorce

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You slightly pulled away from Jesse thought looking down at your Coffee mug.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Jesse asked you with a slightly worried tone in his voice.

"Oh, nothing, Like Don't get me wrong Jesse, I really and REALLY I mean want to kiss you and so much more right about now," You say in an embarrassed tone.

"But?" Jesse asks you questionably.

"But, It seems like I don't want you to be put off with my breath," you say holding up the cup of coffee to Jesse's face.

Jesse looks down with a large smirk on his face before laughing a bit.

"Jesse Bunny are you laughing at little old me," You say with a pretend hurt tone of voice also on the edge to laugh with him but trying not to in the hope to save the coffee that is in your hand.

"oh Y/N, I honestly don't care if your breath has a coffee smell to it or not, but to be honest I also came here to need your help with something," Jesse says to you now sitting down on your couch.

"Oh, so you did come here to slime something out of me huh?" you say half joking half serious.

"first come and sit on me," Jesse says to you smiling.

"you mean next to you," You say thinking he made a mistake in what he had said.

"I know what I said," Jesse says un-crossing his legs for you to sit on it.

With your breath hitched and eyes wide looking at Jesse, your face starts to creep up a smile to show 'Well I will be damn'.

"you know what can happen if I sit on that area huh?" you say teasing Jesse back.

"I am hoping that also happens right about now Y/N," Jesse says equally smiling at you.

With a blush on your face, you say sounding unsure "I think I am ok with standing here and hearing what you want out of me"

As much you want to go over there and swing dance without you and Jesse's clothes, something in you feels as if Jesse will again use Sex against you as 'payment' to get something out of you for what happened last time.

Jesse with disappointment on his face signs really loud before he changed the subject "I need help with gaining information on how to divorce Roga"

You now look at Jesse with a shocked look on your face quickly putting down the mug of your coffee.

"you want to what?" You asked in a shocked tone.

"I want to Divorce Roga, but without her here I do not know where to go to end my marriage to her without having her here," Jesse says to you.

"I see, and I will tell you where to go but can I ask you something?" You asked a bit sheepish.

Jesse with one eyebrow raised said "Go ahead"

"Why are you getting this divorce?" you asked not trying to look Jesse in the eyes when asking this.

"I may love Roga and everything I did was for her, but one thing is clear because I loved her I would need to let her go to find herself true happiness," Jesse says earnestly which for some reason caused a bit of pain in your heart.

"So you're doing this because you still love her and not because she turned you?" you again asked trying to not sound hurt.

"it can be a mix of both but Yes I am doing this out of love," Jesse says.

"I understand" you simply say turning your back to Jesse looking through this cabinet drawer for a pad of paper and a pen.

"You don't look too happy" Jesse finally says to break the silence.

"I am fine" You lied because you were not fully fine yet at the same time do not want to start another fight with Jesse.

"no your not Y/N," Jesse says standing up and making his way to you.

"Jesse can you please drop it and let me write where you would need to go to get this divorce process at," You say writing down quickly where Jesse needs to go but you feel a pair of hugs wrapping around your waist.

"Y/N don't you want me to get a divorce?" Jesse asked you softly.

"Of course, I want you too because I-" you start to say but quickly shut up.

"Because what? You love me?" Jesse says resting his chin softly on your shoulder.

You pulled away from Jesse quickly to look at him with teary eyes "Jesse you do not love me so there is no need for you to pretend you do, after all, you're doing this because you still love Roga"

"Y/N... I... Indeed, I may not love you but maybe later I-" Jesse started to say when you push the piece of paper onto his chest.

"Leave Jesse please because I ain't your toy to mess with," You say now angry.

"Y/N, please wait do you think I am just toying with your feeling Because I am not," Jesse says.

You say nothing but walk to the door opening it "Leave Jesse"

Jesse with a sad face walks to the door before saying "Y/N I hope you don't regret this"

Then Jesse started to walk down the hallway.

You with an angry tone say "Bye Jesse" before closing the door, with tears full in your eye.

Author notes:

I am now on Summer Vacation so updates will be coming out now again faster.

Thank you for reading

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