Chapter 24: The car chase

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"Damn it Jesse, can't you drive this thing right?!" you yell out holding onto the glove box as Jesse keeps on swerving the toon car around trying to lose the car that is following y'all.

"Sorry Y/N" Jesse manages to say as he keeps on driving.

"Damn Jesse, can you grip my wheel gentler?" said the toon car that Jesse had been driving. 

"Oh sorry about that Benny," said Jesse, losing his grip before making another turn. 

"It's already this be the first time you had let a lady drive with you, which by the way what is your name miss?" asked the toon car as if we weren't being chased by Judge Doom's little gang. 

You rolled your eyes but answered, "My name is Y/N L/N, I work for Eddie Valiant P.I." 

"Oh the name is Benny the Cab, Eddie and I go way back, I didn't know he hired a secretary," Said Benny the Cab which caused you to become a bit angry. 

but instead of yelling at him or sounding rude, you corrected Benny by saying, "I am a P.I. Benny" 

"Oh I see, I guess you be a secretary because-"

"Because I am a woman?" You say almost pissed cutting off Benny.

"Benny, Y/N it's not the time to be fighting right now," said Jesse who when you look over see looks very stressed, but can't you blame him with these Toon mafia gang on our asses. 

You hear now gunshots coming from behind us, and looking back you see they are shooting at us. "Oh come the fuck on," You say loudly lowering your head as soon you see a bullet making its way to you, which now goes through the window. 

"They are now shooting at us," you said worried.

"Those are toon bullets, if we toons get hit, we will not get killed maybe just a bit hurt," said Benny happily.

"Keyword, toons, I am not a toon Benny," You say now fully worried, your mind going back to how Eddie's Brother was killed by having a toon Piano smashing the poor fella flat. A Piano will not kill a toon when it smashes it, but for us toons, we better start our wills and close the casket cause we will be killed.

"Shit" Jesse says now trying to speed up when he can't, after a while of driving the car make a turn into the patch of grass causing you and Jesse to fly out. 

You just happened to land on your back and Jesse on top of you, but you could have sworn as he fell, his shirt buttons came undone showing his abs. Rolling your eyes, you push Jesse off of you as it's not the time to be doing fan service. As Jesse makes a noise of slight pain, you stand up feeling pain in your back glad that you didn't die because of the cash. 

Looking over to Benny the Cab you see he is on the ground and for the most part looks okay, other than his tires now looking flat. Making your way to Benny you then said "Benny oh fuck, are you ok? do you need help or-"

"I will be ok, just gotta get new toon tires," Benny said happily.

"Well, it's fuck me" You hear behind you which causes you to turn to see Jesse is now slowly brushing off the grass on his pants, which causes you to smile at first.

"Oh Jesse, are you ok?" You then ask half joking half serious. 

As you make your way back to Jesse you stop when you see something moving behind him which causes you to say "JESSE WATCH OUT!" as you now realize it's one of Judge Doom's minions standing behind Jesse placing a gun against the back of his head. Jesse freezes out of fear now with the gun pressed against his head. 

With trying to come off as scared you say "What is it that you guys want?"

"Oh, Mr. Doom said to get you and Jesse here and bring y'all back to him," One toon weasel says all cocky.

Rolling your eyes you then say, "For what reason?" 

The dumbass one which one you can't tell who is who other than the fact one wears a straight jacket, but anyways that one replies with "He planning to take over toon town so he can get rid of all the toons by using his chemical." Because he opened his big dumb mouth he gets smack in the head with a bat by one of the other toons, as he snitched on their plans. 

You rolled your eyes again before saying "So Judge Doom is trying to get rid of toon town got it" 

In the next scene, you are being held at gunpoint by the toons, tied up with Jesse as both of y'all are being transported to a new location. 

"I can't believe this and for what reason," You said as you are pissed off. 

"Y/N- I- it's just-" Jesse is saying sounding fearful, which makes sense as knowing that the solution chemical had only affected toon characters, and not the non-toon people. Since Jesse himself is a toon, he is on the list of Judge Doom to get killed. This makes you worried as you don't want Jesse and other toons not to be killed. 

"Jesse I-" The car stops causing you to stop what you were going to say, as footsteps come close to the door.

The doors swing open showing not only the toon Weasles but also their leader Judge Doom, who says "Well looks like you guys did succeed in bringing in the two fish that are in need of frying"  

Author notes: 

This story is coming to an end, about one or two chapters after this one. I wanted to thank everyone who read this fan fiction as it was my best fan fiction, but all things must come to an end. This is also going to give an update that I am in college classes, so I may be taking much longer to update (As I have been trying to do each chapter once a month). 

Again thank you all so much for reading this, but stick around for the last few chapters. 

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