Chapter 15: Knock-Knock

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"Hmmm," you say as you are slowly started to wake up.

Knock-knock again but this time louder, waking you up and causing you to turn your head looking to where your apartment entre is located. 

"The fuck" You say stepping out of bed feeling pain somewhere in your body, but as of now, you can't tell from where as you are still half asleep. 

KNOCK-KNOCK! you hear louder as you stand in front of your door now starting to get pissed off. 

before replying to anything you step closer to the door to take a look through the peek hole of the door. 

Looking through it, you see that it was the newspaper boy standing outside your door who may be waiting for you to come outside and pay the poor fella the paper for the daily report. 

Signing you ended up grabbing the 5 cents you had in the glass cup, and quickly opened the door.

"Oh Hello, there miss will you like-" you cut the boy off by throwing the cent to the boy and taking the paper out of his hand he had up, before closing the door. 

As you turn away to look over the paper upset you hear Knock-Knock again at your door. Thinking it was the little boy from a few seconds ago you turn back around to open the door yelling "Listen here little boy-" but quickly shut up being face to face with Judge Doom.

"Sorry to bother you Miss Y/N, but I came here to get a search to your home if of course, you don't mind," The man says with a clear smug smile on his face which pisses you off but at the same time makes you feel worried.

With a smile, you say "Oh of course you can search my apartment Mr. Judge Doom" opened the door wider letting in the vile man.

After an hour or so Judge comes out to the hallway where he had you sit while the search went on and with a smile says "Nothing inside"

'of course, there wasn't anything hiding in my apartment' you think to yourself.

You stand up again saying "if that's all sir I would need to"

But before you can walk inside you are stopped by the pull on your arm which causes you to feel pain.

"I do have questions for you Y/N," Judge Doom says to you almost as if he is testing you now.

"Is that so? Please go ahead and ask away." You say with a smile one of which your trying to make look calm.

"I do wonder what's your relationship with Jesse Rabbit?" Judge asked you with an emotionless expression.

Looked shocked at first but quickly smiled away "What's there to say, Jesse's wife Roga was a client of mine, more like the Acting company she worked through hired me."

"For what reason?" Judge Doom asked you.

"you know why I told yall already, it was because Mr. Maroon hired me to see if Roga's Husband Jesse was cheating on the poor thing," You say which was true because you did inform Judge Doom as to why you were hired by Mr. Maroon to when giving him that false tip.

"Hmm indeed you did but are you sure you're telling me everything?" Judge Doom asked you again testing you maybe.

"what is it you think I am hiding, Judge Doom?" You respond to him more sounding confused about his statement.

"I want to know your real Relationship with Jesse Rabbit," Judge Doom said to you.

"Oh, for what reason may I ask?" you asked back in reply.

"Miss Y/N I am the one asking the questions here," Judge Doom says to you.

"answer that and I will give you my answer," you say to Judge Doom firmly but not strongly.

"could it be that you meet up with Jesse in secret maybe to plan where to place his wife?" Judge Doom asked you.

You laughed cause he is technically wrong with who you did plan for but you laugh more due to the factor of Judge Doom not finding out why you were in the room with Jesse.

"What's so funny Miss Y/N?" Judge Doom asked you now confused looking at himself.

"Oh Sir I am sorry truly am, but to be honest No I didn't meet up with Jesse Rabbit to plan to hide his wife Oh no no, if anything I meet up with him to have sex with, yes I know He is married and I ain't married myself but I wanted my needs meant if you get what I mean, plus if you don't believe me asked him how he uses that carrot of his on me." You say cocky with a smile to Judge Doom who looks even more shocked at your statement.

"but why?" Judge Doom asked you.

"Why not? And with this if I was having sex with him as well I want Jesse Why would I would help him hide his wife if anything wouldn't it help me to snitch on his wife to yall knowing Roga is a Wanted criminal so I can get rid of competition to have Jesse all to myself?" You asked Judge Doom seriously.

Judge Doom started to nod his head saying "I understand that will be all Miss Y/N, have a good day"

"same to you sir Judge Doom," you say before closing the door and locking it.

As you again started to walk away from the Door you heard Knock-Knock again, you feeling pissed again walk to the door to say "WHAT?" but look shocked even more when Judge Doom opened the door.

"Oh, Bad Time 'Sweet heart' or should I come in now?" Says the sweet lips that are on that bastard of a rabbit whose name is-

"Jesse the Fuck are you here for?" You say.


Author notes:

I caught the stomach flu while on Spring break, today I feel a lot better and it's sadly my last day of Spring break so updates will be coming slower again y'all sorry.

5 cents back in the 1940s was about $1.07 in today's money.

Thank you for reading.

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